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Open Seminar – Jéssica Soares

01/09/2022 17:00

O PPGI divulga o Open Seminar ministrado pela doutoranda Jéssica Soares Lopes, intitulado “The length and breadth of Belfast”: space and bodies of contemporary Northern Ireland in plays by Stacey Gregg. O evento está marcado para o dia 29 de Setembro de 2022, às 16h00, na sala 309, 3º andar, CCE/B. Participe!

📖“The length and breadth of Belfast”: space and bodies of contemporary Northern Ireland in plays by Stacey Gregg.

The presentation aims to discuss the paths that have been taken during the research process that comprise the first year of my PhD. The proposed investigation focuses on how space and bodies are represented as part of contemporary Northern Ireland in selected plays by author Stacey Gregg. A contemporary and prolific writer, Gregg has not received much critical and academic attention. Her plays mainly feature young people living in the present time, some with clear references to recent transformations in Belfast. Therefore, the main goal of the presentation is to delineate the steps intended to carry out the analysis of the selected plays, and present the main concepts that should guide the investigation. 

👨‍💻 Jéssica Soares Lopes
📅 29/09/2022 (quinta-feira)
🕤 16h00
📍Sala 309, 3º andar, CCE/B – UFSC

✏️ A lista de presença, destinada aos alunos regulares do programa, será disponibilizada durante o evento.

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