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Ciclo de Palestras – Leitura e(m) Interfaces: Teorias, Métodos e Aplicações

13/09/2021 11:35

O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês (PPGI) e o Núcleo de Estudos em Leitura (NEL) anunciam a sétima palestra do Ciclo de Palestras “Leitura e(m) Interfaces: Teorias, Métodos e Aplicações”, evento que celebra os 50 anos do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês: Estudos Linguísticos e Literários da UFSC com palestras mensais de temas relacionados à leitura.


Antenatal and perinatal risk factors for receptive language and executive control in preschool children.
Denise Neumann (The University of Auckland – NZ)
🕤 15/09/2021 – 18h00 (Horário de Brasília)
Ao vivo no canal do YouTube do PPGI UFSC e Plataforma Zoom.
(Senha de acesso:  232108)
Inscrições: bit.ly/CiclodePalestras2021

Abstract: Poor maternal mental and physical health and disadvantageous exposures during pregnancy as well as unfavourable perinatal events are associated with adverse trajectories in offspring cognitive functioning. We examined the longitudinal associations between antenatal maternal, perinatal and maternal health characteristics and preschool children’s receptive language and executive control ability. Analyses comprised interview and observational data from 4587 children and their mothers enrolled in the longitudinal Growing Up in New Zealand birth cohort study. At age 4.5 years, children’s receptive language was observed using the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test and executive control was assessed with the Luria hand clap task. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted, controlling for a range of sociodemographic confounders. Results demonstrate that smoking pre-pregnancy, antenatal anxiety and no folate intake during first trimester of pregnancy increased the likelihood of poorer receptive language ability in preschool children. Smoking pre- and during pregnancy, no folate intake during first trimester and low birth weight were associated with poorer executive control. Improving maternal support and education during pregnancy may reduce the potential deleterious impact of adverse antenatal and perinatal conditions on children’s early cognitive development.

Bio: Denise Neumann is working as a Research Fellow in the Growing Up in New Zealand study at the School of Population Health, Waipapa Taumata Rau – The University of Auckland, supporting the Psychosocial & Cognitive Development Domain as well as the Māori Theme of the study. She has previously done her PhD in Psychology using the Growing Up in New Zealand data, focusing on cognitive functioning in early and middle childhood. Before she came to Aotearoa New Zealand, she was working as a Research Fellow at the Institute for Rehabilitation Medicine at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg in Germany, concentrating on neurocognition and psychosocial wellbeing in chronic kidney disease patients. Her current research interests include Neurocognition in children who have experienced prenatal alcohol exposure, Self-control development in early and middle childhood, Associations between bilingualism, dyslexia and cognition, Bilingualism and multilingualism in children growing up in Aotearoa New Zealand.

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