“Irish Literature and Ecocriticism” explores aspects of ecocriticism in Irish literary and cultural studies, focusing on archipelagic literature, poetry and gender, and theatre studies. This round table also marks the continuity of the agreement of academic collaboration between UFSC and UCD, coordinated by Margaret Kelleher (UCD) and Maria Rita Drummond Viana (UFSC).
📅 March 31st
🕤 14:00-15:00 Brazil/18:00-19:00 Ireland
💻 Live on PPGI UFSC YouTube Channel
*This event offers a certificate of attendance. Information about certificates will be given during the talk.
NEI Digital Round Tables aim to discuss aspects of research conducted by members of NEI (the Núcleo de Estudos Irlandeses of UFSC), in the field of Irish Studies, at undergraduate MA, PhD and postdoctoral level, with scholars and artists from Ireland.
John Brannigan is Head of the School of English, Drama and Film at UCD. He has research interests in the twentieth-century literatures of Ireland, England, Scotland, and Wales, with a particular focus on the relationships between literature and social and cultural identities, critical race theories, and ecocriticism. His most recent book, Archipelagic Modernism: Literature in the Irish and British Isles, 1890-1970 (2014), explores new ways of understanding the relationship between literature, place and environment in twentieth-century Irish and British writing. He was editor of the international peer-reviewed journal, Irish University Review, from 2010 to 2016.
Lucy Collins is Associate Professor of Modern Poetry and Director of the MA in Irish Literature and Culture at UCD. Her research interests are in poetry and poetics, with a particular focus on gender and ecocriticism. Her most recent publications include Contemporary Irish Women Poets: Memory and Estrangement (2015), and a co-edited anthology, The Irish Poet and the Natural World: An Anthology of Verse in English from the Tudors to the Romantics (2014). She is co-founder of the Irish Poetry Reading Archive, a national digital repository.
Melina Savi completed her PhD at the Post-graduate Programme in English (PPGI) in 2018 and is currently a CAPES-funded postdoctoral researcher – mentored by Alinne Fernandes – and a lecturer at PPGI/UFSC. Her research interests are in the Anthropocene in the Humanities, environmental issues, and ecocriticism. She has published articles on these subjects and has been teaching courses on ecocriticism at the postgraduate level.
Alinne Fernandes is Vice-Coordinator of the Post-graduate Programme in English and a permanent member of the Post-graduate Programmes in English and Translation Studies at UFSC. She is Vice-coordinator of NEI – the Núcleo de Estudos Irlandeses of UFSC, and the coordinator of the Group of Research in Irish Studies at CNPq. She supervises research at MA and PhD level in the fields of Irish Studies, Women’s Writings and Translation Studies at PPGI and PGET/UFSC.
Beatriz Kopschitz Bastos is a permanent member of the Post-graduate Programme in English at UFSC, a founding member of the Núcleo de Estudos Irlandeses of UFSC, and an executive member of IASIL – The International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures. She welcomes projects in Irish Studies at MA and PhD levels at PPGI/UFSC, and has published widely on this field.
Organizers: Beatriz Kopschitz Bastos, Alinne Fernandes, Maria Rita Viana, Eloísa Dall’Bello.