PPGI Lecture – Marcos Neto de Cordova
É com imenso prazer que divulgamos o PPGI Lecture de Marcos Neto de Cordova. O atual aluno de mestrado do PPGI, fará uma palestra relacionada a sua pesquisa de doutorado na Universidade de Leiden, nos Países Baixos. O evento será híbrido e está marcado para o dia 05 de maio de 2022, às 14h00. Participem!
Título: A (Dis)oriented Aesthetics: A Schizoanalysis of Necropolitics in Brazilian Art, Culture and Literature
📅 05 de maio de 2022 (Quinta-feira)
🕤 14h00 (GMT-3, Brasília Standard Time)
📍 Sala 309, 3º andar, Bloco B/CCE/UFSC
💻 Plataforma Zoom
(ID da reunião: 830 7739 0634 | Senha de acesso: 688791)
This seminar presents Marcos’s ongoing PhD research at the Centre for the Arts in Society at Leiden University, Netherlands. Marcos will be discussing possible theoretical approaches to selected art corpora that to him embody a politics of resistance grounded in the process of what Deleuze and Guattari call “becoming minor”. Marcos’s hypothesis is that these artistic works can offer a productive response to the processes of subjectification that are typical of the neo-liberal and religious systems which are responsible for regulating bodies and desire in the current state of Brazilian culture. Some of the concepts discussed in this seminar are Necropolitics, “deterritorialization”, and “schizo movement”.