Oficinas de Internacionalização – Lina Abraitienė
O PPGI divulga as Oficinas de Internacionalização de Lina Abraitienė, da Vytautas Magnus University, que acontecerão nas tardes dos dias 5, 6 e 7 de junho de 2023, na sala Machado de Assis, 4º andar, Bloco B/CCE. O evento é promovido pela SINTER, em parceria com o Núcleo de Línguas e Tradução (NILT), pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês (PPGI) e pelo Departamento de Língua e Literatura Estrangeiras (DLLE). Participe!
O objetivo das Oficinas de Internacionalização, promovidas pela SINTER em parceria com o Núcleo de Línguas e Tradução (NILT), Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês (PPGI) e Departamento de Língua e Literatura Estrangeiras (DLLE), é oferecer uma experiência de aprendizagem internacional para estudantes da UFSC com vistas a melhorar as competências e habilidades linguísticas em Língua Inglesa. As oficinas desta forma contribuirão também com a consolidação da parceria existente entre a UFSC e a Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), já que a ministrante, Profa. Dra. Lina Abraitienė, é professora da VMU e está vindo para UFSC por intermédio do “Mobility Agreement – Staff Mobility for Teaching” celebrado entre as duas IES.
📖 VMU and UFSC: Avenues for Future Collaboration (Lecture)
📅 Monday, June 5th
🕤 2:00pm
📖 Interactive Tools for Foreign Language Learning (Workshop)
📅 Monday, June 5th
🕤 4:00pm
Foreign language skill is essential both academic and business environment, however, to learn the language is not so easy. Thus, during this course the flexible innovative tools for improvement of foreign language communication competence will be introduced to help students to develop their foreign language knowledge and skills through various online applications.
References: 1. Blake, R. J., Guillén, G. A., Thorne, S. L. (2020). Brave New Digital Classroom Technology and Foreign Language Learning. Georgetown University Press.
2. Schmid, E. C., Whyte, S. (2014). Teaching Languages with Technology: Communicative Approaches to Interactive Whiteboard Use. Bloomsbury Academic.
📖 Plan, Design and Deliver High Impact Presentations (Workshop)
📅 Tuesday, June 6th
🕤 2:00pm
Between business owners, scholars and educators, it is generally agreed that the ability to design and deliver a compelling presentation is probably the most essential skill. Whether research results are reported, training is delivered, or a big idea is presented, a presentation is needed to support and illuminate the speech. This course includes the essentials of presentation design to give students some useful tips in building successful presentations. A variety of key topics, including outlines, layout, type and text, colour considerations, the language of transitions, and even writing numbers are going to be covered. Some practical activities will be concluded as well.
References: 1. Swallow, J. (2014). Presentation Planning: a Practical Guide to Planning and Preparing Good Presentations Fast and Making Them Effective (2nd edition). Lulu.com
2. Theobald, T. (2016). Develop Your Presentation Skills. Kogan Page.
📖 Academic Writing: Argumentative Words and Phrases (Workshop)
📅 Wednesday, June 7th
🕤 2:00pm
During this course, the students will be introduced to the different argumentation styles and implications as well as useful words and phrases. The students will further apply the strategies learned in practical argumentative tasks. Students will read a short article for support and argue with one another to enhance argumentation skills in English.
References: 1. Broadview Press (2022). Argumentative Essays: A Step-by-Step Guide. Broadview Press
2. Folse, K. S., Pugh, T. (2020). Great Writing 5: From Great Essays to Research. Cengage Learning
LINA ABRAITIENĖ, DOB 29/11/1976, Lithuanian. She has two bachelor’s degrees (Evangelical theology and English philology) and two Master’s degrees (Educology and English), and just two weeks ago, she finished her PhD in translation, namely, theatre translation at Vilnius University. She is a lecturer at Vytautas Magnus University, teaching English at all levels as well as English for specific purposes. She has been teaching for 8 years at Vytautas Magnus University. Her main areas of interest are audiovisual translation, subtitling of audiovisual productions, subtitling of opera and theatre, translator’s code of ethics and its regulation, innovative methods of language teaching, assessment of achievements in alternative education, teachers’, and students’ motivation in learning foreign languages.