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Convite – PPGI Lecture

09/09/2019 13:28

Olá, no dia 03 de Outubro de 2019 (quinta-feira) acontecerá o PPGI Lecture ministrado pelo Professor Domingos Sávio Pimentel Siqueira da Universidade Federal da Bahia.

TítuloEnglish as a Lingua Franca and Teacher Education: Critical Educators for an Intercultural World
Data: 03 de Outubro de 2019

Local: Sala Machado de Assis, 4º andar, Bloco B/CCE
Horário: 14:00h

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The more English spreads around the world the more it is used as a lingua franca. Of a deep intercultural nature, English as a lingua franca (ELF) has become the global medium of communication with the largest number of users whose main goal is to communicate with one another both intra and internationally (Ur 2010). As a prolific research field, ELF has been producing great scholarship in the area, including results of important pedagogical implications. Due to this, teacher education is to be aware of the fact that people need to learn English under a lingua franca perspective (Seidlhofer 2011) in order to function effectively in our current planetary society of transnational and transcultural flows (Pennycook 2007; Risager 2007). Emphasis is then placed on the importance of teacher education responding to new demands, proposing among several aspects, new political and pedagogical postures which are to lead into preparing students to become more critical of their own realities and more sensitive to the intercultural encounters they are supposed to engage in in this highly complex and ever increasing intercultural world. Those are some of the issues the talk aims to discuss and reflect upon.

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