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Open Seminar – Aline Almira Morbach

05/06/2023 13:43

O PPGI divulga o evento Open Seminar, ministrado pela doutoranda Aline Almira Morbach, intitulado: Perceptual Training and Phonological Working Memory. O evento será transmitido online, via Plataforma Zoom, no dia 20 de Junho de 2023, às 15h00. Participe!

⚠️O evento foi adiado para o dia 20 de Junho de 2023, às 15h00

📓Perceptual Training and Phonological Working Memory

This Open Seminar is focused on approaching theories and research on perceptual training and possible correlations with phonological working memory. Research has been investigating the effects of perceptual training, which is shown to be effective (CHENG, et al., 2019; NOBRE-OLIVEIRA, 2007, among others). Bearing this in mind, our focus here is the perceptual training carried out with vowels. Thus, I have been reading studies involving vowels, such as /i-ɪ/ by Chinese native-speakers learners of English-L2 (CHENG, et at., 2019; WANG; MUNRO, 1999); /i-ɪ/ by Finnish native-speakers learners of English-L2 (YLINEN, et al., 2009), /i‐ɪ/, /æ-ɛ/, or /u‐ʊ/ by European Portuguese native-speakers learners of English-L2 (RATO, 2014); and /æ-ɛ/ by Brazilian Portuguese native-speakers learners of English-L2 (OLIVEIRA DA ROSA, 2022). In addition, even though studies on speech perception and working memory are still scarce, a few studies will be approached.

👨‍💻Aline Almira Morbach
💻Plataforma Zoom

✏ A lista de presença, destinada aos alunos regulares do programa, será divulgada durante o evento.

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