Open Seminar – Eduardo Povedano
O PPGI divulga o evento Open Seminar, ministrado pelo doutorando Eduardo Povedano, intitulado “Bridging the gap between internationalization and academic literacies”. O evento será via Plataforma Zoom, no dia 16 de Junho de 2023, às 14h00. Participe!
Bridging the gap between Internationalization and Academic Literacies
“This Open Seminar aims to present the research that I have been conducting during the first three semesters of my PhD. This way, my objective is to introduce my research on the academic literacies that are presented in the internationalization process of higher education.. The focus of the presentation, consequently, is to present how the “academic literacies” model proposed by Lea and Street can be used in the internationalization process to find out the “hidden features” in academic writing. More than making public my research, I will be discussing the following steps of the research as well as the main concepts to be explored in the research”.
Eduardo Povedano
Plataforma Zoom