Open Seminar – Marieta Nobile
O PPGI divulga o evento Open Seminar, ministrado pela doutoranda Marieta Giannico de Coppio Siqueira Nobile, intitulado “Who pays the bill for the work of interpreters in Labor Courts?”. O evento será via Youtube Channel, no dia 13 de março de 2024, às 14h00. Participe! Who pays the bill for the work of interpreters in Labor Courts?
This open seminar aims to outline the status of my doctoral research. The central focus of my dissertation is the role of interpreters in labor law cases filed by plaintiffs who need language assistance. Although the initial idea was to highlight how interpreters could positively influence the final ruling of the case, as the research work began, my attention was caught by another unexplored – nonetheless extremely important – area: the interpreters’ fee. By analyzing over 150 cases filed in a period of five years (jan/2018-jan/2023) at the Labor Court of the State of Paraná, I want to outline the current legal, theoretical, and factual scenarios that surround and frame the work of interpreters in Brazilian Labor Courts while pointing out the difficulties faced by interpreters to get paid for their work.
Marieta Giannico de Coppio Siqueira Nobile
13/03/2024 (Quarta-feira)
Youtube Channel do PPGI
A lista de presença, destinada aos alunos regulares do programa, será divulgada durante o evento.