Curriculum Structure
The Graduate Program in English – PPGI offers both master’s and doctoral degrees. General information about both degrees is presented below:
The information presents references to the RESOLUTION N.° 01/PPGI/2022, of March 14, 2022 (Curriculum structure for Master’s and PhD degrees).
The Master’s program has a minimum duration of 12 (twelve) months and maximum duration of 24 (twenty four) months, and students are required to complete 24 (twenty four) credits.
The curriculum structure is:
I – 4 (four) credits in mandatory courses and 12 (twelve) in electives;
II – 2 (two) credits in courses or complementary activities;
III – 6 (six) credits for the Thesis;
Note: information on the complementary activities are available in the specific document.
Other Requirements
– Synthesis of Master’s Thesis Proposal until the end of the first semester;
– Research project until the end of the second semester;
– Presentation at the Research Festival until the end of the second semester;
– Qualifying exam until the end of the third semester;
– Presentation of the required Academic production;
– Presentation of the events attendance report;
– Presentation of the achievement reports approved by advisors.
The Doctoral degree course has a minimum duration of 18 (eighteen) months and a maximum duration of 48 (forty eight) months, and students are required to complete 50 (fifty) credits.
The curriculum structure is:
I – 28 (twenty eight) credits with elective courses;
II – 4 (fours) credits with the mandatory complementary activity “Leituras Dirigidas” (Supervised Readings) , with the presentation in the Open Seminar;
III – 4 (four) credits with the mandatory complementary activity “Projeto de Pesquisa” (Research Project) to be done after completion of “Leituras Dirigidas” (Supervised Readings);
IV – 2 (two) credits with courses or complementary activities;
V – 12 (twelve) credits for Dissertation.
Note: Complementary activities are available in the specific document.
Other Requirements
– Pre-Qualifying Exam until the end of the first year;
– Open Seminar until the end of the third semester;
– Research project until the end of the fourth semester;
– Qualifying exam until the end of the fifth semester;
– Doctoral Studies in Progress until the end of the sixth semester;
– Presentation of the required Academic production;
– Presentation of the events attendance report;
– Presentation of the achievement reports approved by advisors;
– Approval in the Proficiency Exam.
Published on June 23rd, 2022.
Curriculum Structure (published on 2020);