Open Seminar – Luana Helena
O PPGI divulga o Open Seminar ministrado pela doutoranda Luana Helena Uessler, intitulado “People and places: private and public spaces, private and public intimacies in the short fiction of Claire Keegan”. O evento está marcado para o dia 30 de novembro de 2022, às 10h00. Participe!
📖 People and places: private and public spaces, private and public intimacies in the short fiction of Claire Keegan
This Open Seminar aims to present the research that has been conducted by me during the first three semesters of my PhD, introducing my research on Irish writer Claire Keegan and her short fiction. The focus of the presentation, then, is on Claire Keegan’s first published short story collection, Antarctica, and how the characters’ – mainly women – lives intersect with notions of space and representations of affect. More than making public my research, I will be discussing the next steps of the research and the main concepts to be explored in the research.
👨💻 Luana Helena Uessler
📅 30/11/2022 (quarta-feira)
🕤 10h00
💻Google meet
✏️ A lista de presença, destinada aos alunos regulares do programa, será divulgada durante o evento.