Interdisciplinary Lecture Series – Language and Literary Studies
Ainda em comemoração aos 50 anos do PPGI, o evento Interdisciplinary Lecture Series – Language and Literary Studies, organizado por Gisele Orgado (Leitora CAPES na University of Birmingham) e Rosane Silveira (PPGI/UFSC), tem o intuito de reintegrar as colaborações entre PPGI-UFSC e a University of Birmingham. A proposta é promover a troca entre professores das duas instituições. Haverá uma série de palestras com apresentações de pesquisas realizadas pelos professores, seguidas de discussão entre os palestrantes e o público. Junte-se a nós!
A primeira apresentação está marcada para o dia 30 de novembro de 2021 às 11h00. As demais acontecerão ao longo do primeiro semestre de 2022. Todos os eventos serão online e oferecerão certificados aos participantes. Para inscrições e link de acesso à primeira sessão de palestras, por favor, clique aqui.
Os palestrantes da primeira sessão serão a profa. Maria Ester W. Moritz e Paul Thompson, ambos abordando questões relacionadas ao letramento acadêmico.
Advanced academic literacy skills in the context of UK Higher Education: writing with authority
Dr Paul Thompson, Reader in Applied Corpus Linguistics and Deputy Director, Centre for Corpus Research, University of Birmingham
An exploration of research on academic literacies in higher education in the Latin America context
Dra Maria Ester W Moritz, Department of Languages and Foreign Literature, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC)
Dra Gisele Orgado (Brazilian Leitora – Teaching Fellow in Portuguese Studies, Department of Modern Languages, University of Birmingham)
Dra Rosane Silveira, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC)
📅 30/11/2021 (Terça-feira)
🕤 11h00 am BR / 2h00 pm UK
👆 Inscrição
Abaixo, segue a chamada do evento no site da UoB:
Join us for the first in a series of events jointly organised between UoB and UFSC (Federal University of Santa Catarina), and hear from experts who will be discussing a range of topics within the broad area of Language and Literary Studies. This first event which will include two talks from UoB and UFSC respectively, will focus on the common theme of ‘academic literacy’, exploring this from different viewpoints and perspectives, and taking into consideration experiences from the UK, Brazil and Latin America.
Dr Thompson has been at the University of Birmingham since September 2009, and is the Deputy Director of the Centre for Corpus Research, as well as being Deputy Director of the College of Arts and Law Graduate School. He is a corpus linguist with particular interest in specialised discourses, and has a background in English Language Teaching (ELT) and English for Academic Purposes (EAP). Dr Thompson took up the post of Director of the Centre for Corpus Research at Birmingham in September 2009, after working for thirteen years as a lecturer in EAP/Applied Linguistics at the University of Reading. He had previously taught in Kenya (one year) and Japan (fourteen years) before moving to Reading in 1996 to undertake doctoral research.