Open Seminar – Gabriela Zetehaku Araujo
O PPGI divulga o evento Open Seminar, ministrado pela doutoranda Gabriela Zetehaku Araujo, intitulado “Violent waves of emotion: Virginia Woolf and the moments of being”. O evento será via Google Meet, no dia 27 de Junho de 2023, às 10h00. Participe!
📓Violent waves of emotion: Virginia Woolf and the moments of being
Life writing is a multifaceted and nuanced area in literature studies that encompasses various factors, including Time, Memory, the ethics of auto/biography, the interplay between the public and private spheres, the boundary between life and fiction, among others. In her extensive writing across different genres, Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) discussed and alluded to these themes, making her work a valuable resource for unraveling the intricacies of life writing. With this in mind, the objective of this Open Seminar is to engage in a discussion about some of the aspects that contribute to the complexity of this area, focusing particularly on Woolf’s perspectives on Time and Memory. To do this, I will specifically analyze her autobiographical piece, “Sketch of the Past” (written in 1939), as it offers a profound reflection on Woolf’s personal memories and on the discussion of Memory as well.
👨💻Gabriela Zetehaku Araujo
💻Google Meet
✏A lista de presença, destinada aos alunos regulares do programa, será divulgada durante o evento.