PPGI Workshop – LabLing
É com muita satisfação, que anunciamos o PPGI Workshop apresentado pelo LabLing- Laboratório da Linguagem e Processos Cognitivos, supervisionado pela Profa Dra. Mailce Borges Mota, com título “Open Science: What is it and what does it mean for research in the language sciences?”. O Workshop contará com a participação da Pós-doutoranda Danielle dos S. Wisintainer, da doutoranda Natália P. De Angeli e do mestrando Pedro R. Bin. O evento acontecerá no dia 26 de Maio de 2023, às 14h00, presencialmente na sala Drummond, Térreo, CCE/B. Participe!
📖 Open Science: What is it and what does it mean for research in the language sciences?
The general objective of this workshop is to present a brief introduction to the concept of open science and to the main practices this movement proposes in the context of scientific production. More specifically, open science will be operationalized in the scenario of the research in the language sciences in Brazil. The workshop will also address the practice of preregistration. Therefore, in the first part of the workshop, we will address conceptual issues related to open science and will, then, cover some of its practices. In the second part of the workshop, participants will be introduced to preregistration and will have the opportunity to work on the record of their own research.
📅 Friday, May 26th
🕤 2:00pm
📍 Drummond, Ground floor, CCE/B
✏️ A lista de presença, destinada aos alunos regulares do programa, será divulgada durante o event