Seminar Dr Brian Heslop

10/11/2022 16:13

É com imensa satisfação que divulgamos o seminário do Professor Dr. Brian Heslop, que faz parte da Coker University, de Hartsville, Carolina do Sul. O evento intitulado “Argument as Inquiry: An Invitational Approach to Vexed Conversation”, está marcado para o dia 24 de novembro de 2022 às 14h30, via Plataforma Zoom. Participe!

In an era of racial and gender discrimination, authoritarianism, and fake news, teaching students how to form sound, powerful arguments has never been greater. Yet students commonly associate argument with conflict and feel a heightened sensitivity around controversial topics. Thus, preparing and encouraging students to engage in arguments can prove challenging. Argument as inquiry is a form of argumentative engagement that fosters deliberation rather than confrontation. It is a collaborative process of exploring questions and working through problems together. It views argument as a set of questions rather than assertions about truth, framing discussion as an exploration of ideas that coordinate the co-construction of possible outcomes.

📖 Argument as Inquiry: An Invitational Approach to Vexed Conversation

📅 Thursday, November 24th
🕤 2h30 pm
👨‍💻Dr. Brian Heslop (Coker University – South Carolina)
💻 Plataforma Zoom

Dr. Brian Heslop is an Associate Professor of Communication at Coker University. He earned his PhD from the University of Memphis, where he received teaching awards at the departmental and university level. Placing students at the center of his academic work, he invites students to examine the role of rhetoric as a world-building mechanism. He guides students in the art of critical reflection and helps them develop skills in deliberation and inquiry, particularly amid civic controversies. He is currently working at the Universidad de San Buenaventura and the Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar in Cartagena, Colombia, as a Fulbright Scholar.

✏️ A lista de presença, destinada aos alunos regulares do programa, será divulgada durante o evento.