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Open Seminar – Flavia Ruckl

21/06/2022 17:28

Com muita alegria, o PPGI divulga o Open Seminar intitulado “To what extent do environmental factors affect the individual? A Vygotskian perspective“, da doutoranda Flavia R. F. Ruckl. O evento acontecerá presencialmente, no dia 26 de julho de 2022, às 14h00, na sala 309, 3º andar, Bloco B/CCE. Participe!

📖 To what extent do environmental factors affect the individual? A Vygotskian perspective.

“The relationship between the individual and the environment is not absolute and static.  Instead, it is dynamic and favors human development alongside biological, cognitive and emotional factors. These relations and their implications will be addressed in this presentation which is  based on  Lev Vygotsky’s writings, specifically “The Problem of the Environment” (1934)”.

👩‍🏫 Flavia R. Felippi Ruckl
📅 26/07/2022 (terça-feira)
🕤 14h00
📍Sala 309, 3º andar, CCE/B – UFSC

✏️ A lista de presença, destinada aos alunos regulares do programa, será disponibilizada durante o evento.

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