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Open Seminar – Rodrigo Bilhalva Moncks

13/12/2023 15:19

O PPGI divulga o evento Open Seminar, ministrado pelo doutorando Rodrigo Bilhalva Moncks, intitulado “Practice-based translation: a proposed research methodology”. O evento será via Zoom meeting, no dia 19 de dezembro de 2023, às 09h00. Participe!

This open seminar aims to outline the methodological framework that will be used in my research. The central focus of my dissertation will be the translation of a play from English into Brazilian Portuguese, namely Lady Gregory’s Grania (1912), employing a practice-based methodology. This perspective posits that “creative work in itself is a form of research and generates detectable research outputs” (SMITH & DEAN, 2009, p. 5). This means that the work of a translator, as in this case, inherently generates insights and questions that can be subsequently documented and theorized, thus providing a fertile ground for study and fulfilling the objectives of the research. The concept of practice as research has recently gained institutional recognition in academia, particularly in the creative arts, where it has been established as a viable methodology since the late first decade of the 21st century (KERSHAW, 2009, p. 105-107). Additionally, the seminar will explore contributions from notable scholars in Translation Studies, including Robinson (2001), Chesterman (2009), and Bassnett (2011), among others.

📓 Practice-based translation: a proposed research methodology
👨💻Rodrigo Bilhalva Moncks
📅19/12/2023 (Terça-feira)
💻Zoom Meeting

✏️ A lista de presença, destinada aos estudantes, será divulgada durante o evento.

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