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Workshop 01 – Dr. Germán Zárate-Sández

07/06/2022 16:21

É com muita satisfação, que anunciamos o primeiro Workshop do Prof. Dr. Germán Zárate-Sández, do Fulbright U.S Scholar Program, com título “Sampling practices and procedures in Applied Linguistic research“. O evento está marcado para o dia 22 de Junho de 2022, às 14h30, presencialmente na sala 311, 3º andar, CCE/B. Inscreva-se e participe!

📖 Sampling practices and procedures in Applied Linguistic research

“A sample is supposed to be representative of a population. Is this always the case? What population are we really targeting? This workshop will try to answer these questions by analyzing the most common sampling procedures used in SLA research. We will look at concrete examples of published research and reflect on how sampling was carried out and how it could have been improved. The presenter and audience will talk about best practices to avoid bias in choosing a representative sample in our research. Attendees will be required to read two or three published articles in preparation for this workshop”.

📅 Wednesday, June 22nd
🕤 2h30 – 5h30 pm
📍 311, 3rd floor, CCE/B
✍️ Subscribe

👆 Para participar do workshop, será necessário preencher o formulário acima. O evento possui vagas limitadas.

Germán Zárate-Sández is Associate Professor of linguistics at Western Michigan University, USA, where he teaches courses in applied linguistics at the undergraduate and graduate levels, trains future teachers of Spanish as a second language, and directs the introductory Spanish language program. He is currently a Fulbright U.S. Scholar at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. His research focuses on the effectiveness of teaching methodologies, social justice issues in language learning, and the development of second language pronunciation. Zárate-Sández holds a Master’s in English as a second language (University of Scranton, USA), a Master’s in Spanish Linguistics (Georgetown University, USA), and a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics (Georgetown University, USA).