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Egressos de Mestrado

Loni Grim Cabral, 1973 (Prof. Alexis Levitin)
The Dimensions of a Woman’s Reality: A Study of Virginia Woolf

José Francisco Renato Wendling, 1975 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
Some Aspects in the Development of Melville’s Style and Themes from Narrative to Symbolism

Bonifácio Moreira Pinto, 1975 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
D.H. Lawrence: Sex for the Anti-Puritanical Puritan

Loni Kreis Taglieber, 1976 (Prof. Thomas E. Cowin)
Wilfred Owen as a Pacifist

Carmen Rosa Pereira de Mello, 1976 (Prof. Thomas E. Cowin)
Art and Artists in Lawrence Durrel

Apóstolo T. Nicolacópulos, 1976 (Prof. Mário Feiten)
The Perfect Aspect: Syntactic Interferences on the Part of Brazilian Students Learning English

Futin Buffara Antunes, 1976 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
The Persistence of Endymion

Luiz C. Solinitz, 1977 (Prof. James Rogers)
Foreign Language Aptitude Testing

Irene Ribarolli Pereira da Silva, 1977 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
The Sisters: A Study of Lawrence’s Mode of Female Characterization

Maria Carmélia Machado Filha, 1977 (Profª Rosa Weingold Konder)
A Study in Contrastive Analysis and Error Analysis: Article Usage in English and Portuguese

José Luiz Meurer, 1978 (Prof. Arnold Gordenstein)
Economic Relationships in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Novels and Life

Sonia Maria G. Ferreira, 1978 (Prof. Arnold Gordenstein)
Edgar Allan Poe: The Non-Scientific Scientist

José Célio da Silva, 1978 (Prof. Arnold Gordenstein)
Awakening from the Nightmare: A Study of the Democratic Hero in Joyce’s Ulysses

Lilia Maria Oliveira Carioni, 1978 (Profª Rosa Weingold Konder)
A Study in English and Portuguese Intonation

Neise Cunha Rodrigues, 1978 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
The Violent Art of Ted Hughes

Hein Leonard Bowles, 1978 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
Sinclair Lewis: The Noble Barbarian

Bernadete Pasold, 1979 (Prof. Hugh Fox)
Molière’s Don Juan and Byron’s Don Juan: Two Different Approaches to the Same Theme

Vilson José Leffa, 1979 (Prof. Hilário Bohn)
A Study on the Teaching of English for Reading Purposes in the Secondary School

Eurides Rosseto, 1979 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
Nietzschean Themes in O’Neill’s Plays

Eliane Luz Bayer, 1979 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
The Theme of Education through Conflict in the Early Novels of George Eliot

Olivia Hatsne Mano, 1979 (Prof. Edward Jayne)
Hawthorne’s Defense of Nature against Civilization

Cristina Maria Teixeira, 1979 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
Malcolm Lowry’s Under the Volcano: A Study of Myth and Symbol

Marta Elizabete Zanatta, 1979 (Prof. Hugh Fox)
Scott Fitzgerald’s Women: A View of the Flapper as a Projection of the Author’s Anima

Ana Maria Kessler Rocha, 1980 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
Madness in Shakespeare’s Major Tragedies: A Tentative Analysis towards a Laingian Interpretation

Dilvo I. Ristoff, 1980 (Prof. Hugh Fox)
The Misplaced Urbanite: A Study of the Urban Experience of Saul Bellow’s Protagonists

Ana Antônia Assis, 1980 (Prof. Hilário Bohn)
The Order of Prenominal Adjectivals in Unambiguous Unbroken Strings in English

Maria Zenóbia Diniz, 1980 (Prof. Hugh Fox)
Love and War in Hemingway’s Fiction

Selma Fonseca de Oliveira, 1980 (Prof. Hugh Fox)
The Theme of the Child in the Fictions of Nathaniel Hawthorne

Maria Helena Vieira Pires Noronha, 1980 (Prof. Hugh Fox)
Vision of Africa: The Problems of Identity as it Relates to the American Blacks

Maria Jandyra Cunha, 1980 (Prof. Hugh Fox)
Trinity in the Context of North-American Romanticism

Catarina Bogo, 1980 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
Saul Bellow’s Defense of Man: The Pattern of Alienation, Purgation and Reconciliation in Saul Bellow’s Fiction 

Marianne Elisabeth Flos, 1980 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
William Shakespeare: The Fools and Folly

Nicoleta Theodoro Nicolacópulos, 1980 (Profª Rosa Weingold Konder)
The Differences between the English and Portuguese Present Tenses: A Systemic Analysis

Marcia Regina Eicholz Marchi, 1981 (Prof. Paul Jenkins)
The Reconciliation between Self and Society in John Steinbeck’s Major Novels

Sara Rejane de Freitas Oliveira, 1981 (Profª Rosa Weingold Konder)
Past Temporal Meanings and Verb Forms in English and Portuguese

Klaus Heinrich Schulze, 1981 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
Charles Dickens’s Child Novels

Irene Maria Dietschi, 1981 (Prof. Paul Jenkins)
A Comparative Study of the Female Character in Margaret Atwood’s Fiction

Rita Maria Paes Barreto Baltar, 1981 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
The Theme of Blackmail in the Plays of Lilian Hellman

Barbara Oughton Baptista, 1981 (Prof. Martin Bygate)
An Analysis of Errors of Brazilians in the Placement of English Word Stress

Maria Álvaro Rebelo de Mendonça, 1981 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
Whose Victory? The Conflict between Philosophical Pessimism and Belief in Joseph Conrad’s Victory 

Antônio Eduardo de Oliveira, 1981 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
Colonialism in the Fictional Works of Joseph Conrad

Sandra Sirangelo Maggio, 1982 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
Skepticism and Humanism in Forster’s Treatment of Personal Relations

Maria Vilani de Souza, 1982 (Prof. Arnold Gordenstein)
The Industrial Nightmare: A Study of the Evils of Industrialism from D.H. Lawrence’s The White Peacock to Women in Love

Rita de Cássia Moura Duarte dos Santos, 1982 (Prof. Martin Bygate)
Towards an Error-Based Analysis of Assertive, Non-Assertive and Negative Forms in English

Maria Cristina S. de Borba, 1982 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
The Fantasy Content of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass

Reynaldo Gonçalves, 1982 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
Joseph Conrad: A Symbolic Study

Vera Lúcia Bazzo, 1983 (Prof. Martin Bygate)
The Effects of Exploratory Speech in the Learning of Languages: An Experiment in a Secondary School

Maria Beatriz Piccoli Correa Dias, 1983 (Prof. Hilário Bohn)
Reading Ability of Brazilian University Students and Foreign Language Teaching

Anita Belle Flanders Rebelo, 1983 (Prof. Arnold Gordenstein)
U.S. Avant-Garde Literature & the Small Presses – 50’s to 80’s: The Struggle for Psychosocial Liberation 

Maria do Socorro Reis Amorim, 1983 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
Existential Anguish in Tennessee Williams’ Main Protagonists in The Glass Menagerie; A Streetcar Named Desire; Orpheus Descending; The Night of the Iguana

Márcia Helena Boechat Alves Fernandes, 1983 (Prof. Hilário Bohn)
Communicative Competence of Prospective Teachers of English at Brazilian Universities

Tânia Mara Rondon Quintanilha, 1983 (Prof. Martin Bygate)
An Approach to Fluency

Antônia Dilamar Araújo, 1983 (Prof. Martin Bygate)
Error Analysis in Foreign Language Learning: A Study of English Prepositions

Raquel Carolina Souza Ferraz D’Ely, 1983 (Prof. Martin Bygate)
Focus on Interaction: A Communicative Approach to Learning in the First Phase English Course

Michaelle Marie Hoffman Franz, 1983 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
Joan of Arc in Shakespeare, Twain and Shaw 

Maria Inês Cardoso Silva Meyer, 1983 (Profª Leonor Scliar-Cabral)
Gaelle, A Case-Study

Noeme Cunha Pereira, 1984 (Prof. Arturo Ugalde)
A Tentative Analysis of the Initial Development of English Syntax in UFSC Students

Aurineide Costa da Penha, 1984 (Prof. Arturo Ugalde)
Development of Initial Competence in Listening Comprehension: A Tentative Analysis

Maria Ângela Pennaforte Soares, 1984 (Prof. Arnold Gordenstein)
The Value of Perceptual Experience in James’ Protagonists: The Ambassadors and The Golden Bowl 

Olinda Martins Moraes, 1984 (Profª Rosa Weingold Konder)
Logical Relations in Students’ Written Expression

Lina Rosa Lira de Carvalho, 1984 (Prof. Michael Scott)
Reading Strategies in English as a Foreign Language

Leonida Campestrini Kretzer, 1985 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
Brave New World x 1984: A Comparison

Izabel de Fátima Oliveira Brandão, 1985 (Prof. John B. Derrick)
Relations of Dominance and Equality in D.H. Lawrence

Jason Pimenta Miranda, 1985 (Prof. Arnold Gordenstein)
Individualism and the Pursuit of the Unconscious in Melville and Conrad

Laura Cardoso Duarte, 1985 (Profª Rosa Weingold Konder)
Tag Questions in English and Portuguese: A Contextual Analysis

Rosana Denise Koerich, 1986 (Profª Loni Kreis Taglieber)
A Comparative Study of Students’ Ability to Distinguish Main Points from Details in English and Portuguese

Lucinda Clarita Boehm, 1986 (Prof. Arturo Ugalde)
A Needs Analysis in the Context of a Metallurgical Industry in Joinville, SC: A Pilot Project

Lizete Baumgardt Barbosa Lima, 1986 (Prof. Arnold Gordenstein)
Justice and Memory: The Struggle of Race Relations in William Faulkner

Gonçalina Alves Simões, 1986 (Profª Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard)
Effects of Contextual Redundancy on Verb Tense Predictability

Maria Nélia Scott, 1986 (Prof. Malcolm Coulthard)
The Theme of Conflict in Lord of the Flies: A Linguistic Study

Dirce Fischer Zornig, 1987 (Prof. Malcolm Coulthard)
Politeness: Brazilian-Portuguese Requests in Service Encounters

Rosa Yoshiko Mochidome Mundim, 1987 (Profª Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard)
Teacher Talk – A Description of Classroom Interaction

Tânia Farah Prehn, 1987 (Profª Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard)
Magical Elements in the Narrative Structure of Fairy Tales

Ana Abelin Willeker, 1987 (Profª Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard)
Fictional Dialogue – A Source of Conflict 

Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch, 1988 (Prof. José Luiz Meurer)
Schema Activation and Text Comprehension

Daniel Derrel Santee, 1988 (Prof. Sérgio Luiz Prado Bellei)
Modern Utopia: A Reading of Brave New World, Nineteen Eighty Four, and Woman on the Edge of Time in the Light of More’s Utopia

Edlamar Benevides Xavier, 1988 (Profª Rosa Weingold Konder)
That-Deletion – A Reading Comprehension Problem?

Ivan Macêdo Burity, 1989 (Profª Rosa Weingold Konder)
On Translatability: As Illustrated by the Equivalence between English and Portuguese Proverbs

Camille Amos, 1989 (Profª Susana Bornéo Funck)
Landscapes as Mentalscapes: Saul Bellow’s Use of Setting in Henderson the Rain King

Uma Viswanathan, 1989 (Profª Bernadete Pasold)
Feminism in Two of Shaw’s Plays

Ildney de Fátima Cavalcanti, 1989 (Profª Susana Bornéo Funck)
Marge Piercy’s Female Protagonists: Beyond the Stereotype of Passivity?

Josalba Ramalho Vieira, 1989 (Profª Bernadete Pasold)
Henry Bergson’s Theory of Time and Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse and The Waves

Cristine Arins Bittencourt, 1989 (Prof. Hilário Bohn)
Teaching Brazilian Students How to Read a Foreign Language

Rosely Péres Xavier, 1989 (Profª Rosa Weingold Konder)
Residual Segmental Errors in English

Antônio Mota Filho, 1989 (Prof. Hilário Bohn)
Text Structure and Brazilian University Students’ Writing Proficiency: An Experiment

Mirian Hennig, 1990 (Profª Susana Bornéo Funck)
Doris Lessing’s Belief in Wholeness of the Self and Cosmic Harmony

José Marcelo Freitas de Luna, 1990 (Profª Branca Telles Ribeiro)
Brazilian-Portuguese and British-English Service Encounters: A Contrastive Genre Analysis

Elaine Maria Luz Barth, 1990 (Prof. Hilário Bohn)
The Effects of Text Structure Instruction on EFL Readers’ Understanding of Expository Text

Leatrice Neves Hoffmann, 1990 (Prof. Hilário Bohn)
An Accelerative Psycholinguistic Approach to Second Language Acquisition Applied to English Language

José Endoença Martins, 1991 (Prof. Hilário Bohn)
Can Communicative Claims be Met in Teaching Materials? The Case of Our Turn

Ângela Faria Brognoli, 1991 (Profª Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard)
Language and Ideology – A Case Study of Sesame Street

Adriana Silvina Pagano, 1991 (Prof. Malcolm Coulthard)
A Pragmatic Study of Negatives in Written Text

Gloria Gil, 1991 (Prof. Malcolm Coulthard)
Enumerables: A Pragmatic Study of Unspecific Plural Nouns in Written Text

Rocicler Saraiva Fontenele, 1991 (Profª Bernadete Pasold)
Kezia’s Stories: A Reading of Four Tales by Katherine Mansfield

Maria Cristina Faria Dalacorte, 1991 (Profª Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard)
Natural Conversation and EFL Textbook Dialogues: A Contrastive Study

Pedro de Moraes Garcez, 1991 (Profª Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard)
Conflicting Conversational Styles in a Cross-Cultural Business Negotiation

Ida Lúcia Marochio Cypriano, 1991 (Profª Bernadete Pasold)
The Awakening Process or the Achievement of Maturity in Four Novels of Henry James

Roseanne Rocha Tavares, 1991 (Profª Loni Kreis Taglieber)
The Effects of Main Idea Identification Instruction on EFL Students’ Reading Comprehension and Summary Writing

Elisabete Schramm Szenészi, 1991 (Profª Loni Kreis Taglieber)
The Use of Dialogue Journal Writing to Teach EFL Secondary School Students

Márcia Pereira Alves, 1991 (Prof. Sérgio Luiz Prado Bellei)
Scarlet Letters Read and Responded: The Question of Truth in Hawthorne and Updike

Eliana Paes Cardoso Franco, 1991 (Profª Rosa Weingold Konder)
Everything You Wanted to Know about Film Translation (but did not have the chance to ask)

Maura Regina Dourado Affonso, 1991 (Profª Rosa Weingold Konder)
Toward Communicative Competence: The Use of Apologies by Brazilian Learners of English

Hélio Dias Furtado, 1991 (Prof. Dilvo Ristoff)
Jewish Values in Philip Roth’s Fiction

Ana Cecília Acioli Lima, 1992 (Profª Susana Bornéo Funck)
The Shattering of Myth: Anne Sexton’s Transforming View of Fairy Tales

Humberto Pessoa Pinto, 1992 (Prof. Sérgio Luiz Prado Bellei)
Allegory and Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter

Maria Cristina Martins, 1992 (Profª Susana Bornéo Funck)
The Use of Fairy-Tale Elements in Margaret Atwood’s Novels

Maria Lúcia Milléo Martins, 1992 (Prof. José Roberto O’Shea)
Brazil in the Poetry of Elizabeth Bishop: ‘A Dazzling Dialectic’

Vera Helena Wielewicki, 1992 (Profª Susana Bornéo Funck)
‘Say Nothing and it may not be True’: Focalization and Voice in Wide Sargasso Sea

Daniela Lapoli, 1992 (Prof. Sérgio Luiz Prado Bellei)
Sexuality and Nature in Robert Frost’s Lyrics

Viviane D’Avila Heidenreich, 1992 (Profª Susana Bornéo Funck)
Social Reform in the Fiction of Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Olive Schreiner

Márcia Gomes de Oliveira, 1992 (Profª Susana Bornéo Funck)
Adrianne Rich: Towards a Feminist Poetics 

Nadir de Assis Boralli, 1993 (Prof. Hilário Bohn)
Oral Strategies Used by Brazilian Students Learning English

Grace Aparecida Pinheiro Teles, 1993 (Prof. José Luiz Meurer)
Cross-Sex Miscommunication and Power in Fictional Talk: A Discourse Analysis Study

Diego Ernesto Arenaza Vecino, 1993 (Prof. Hilário Bohn)
A Threshold Level Syllabus for Brazilian Adult Students Learning Spanish

Cláudia Estima Sardo, 1993 (Prof. Hilário Bohn)
An EFL Student-Generated Syllabus

Paula Ann Matvienko-Sikar, 1993 (Prof. José Roberto O’Shea)
Cutting ‘Aesthetic Teeth’: Flannery O’Connor’s Habit of Art

Ana Esther Balbão Pithan, 1993 (Profª Bernadete Pasold)
The Uniqueness of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein in the Gothic Literary Tradition

Márcia Terezinha Zatharian dos Santos, 1994 (Prof. Sérgio Luiz Prado Bellei)
Metalanguage in Emily Dickinson’s Poems

Vera Drews Guimarães, 1994 (Prof. Dilvo Ristoff)
Urbanism as a [Rural] Way of Life: John Steinbeck versus The Sociological School of Chicago’

Aleksandra Piasecka-Till, 1994 (Profª Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard)
Power and Gender Relation in Brazilian TV Interviews

Roberto Carlos de Andrade, 1994 (Prof. José Roberto O’Shea)
Rites of Passage in Richard Wright’s Fiction: From Chaos to a New Wor(l)d

Paula Alexandra Fatur-Santos, 1994 (Prof. Hilário Bohn)
The (Un) Consciousness of Second Language Acquisition

Denise Baumer, 1994 (Profª Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard)
Persuasive Discourse in Advertising

Cláudia Maria Pereira, 1994 (Profª Leonor Scliar-Cabral)
Acquisition of Morphological Rules by EFL Brazilian Students

Antônio Eduardo Vieira de Almeida, 1995 (Prof. Hilário Bohn)
Vocabulary in Foreign-Language Learning: Explorations of a Neglected Area

Paulo Leôncio da Silva, 1995 (Prof. José Luiz Meurer)
Rhetorical Ineptness in Texts Written by Linguists

Mauro Bittencourt dos Santos, 1995 (Prof. Dr. José Luiz Meurer)
Academic Abstracts: A Genre Analysis

Sueli Costa, 1995 (Prof. Dr. José Roberto O’Shea)
From Traditional Archetypal to Feminist Archetypal Criticism: William Faulkner’s Female Characters in As I Lay Dying and Light in August

Ana Cristina Ostermann, 1995 (Profª Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard)
‘Good Girls Go to Heaven; Bad Girls…’ Learn to Be Good: Critical Language Study of Quizzes in Teenage Girls’ Magazines

Débora de Carvalho Figueiredo, 1995 (Profª Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard)
The Use and Abuse of Your Sexual Power: Cosmopolitan/Nova and the Creation/Maintenance of a Conservative View of Female Sexuality

Maria de Lourdes Amante Feronha, 1995 (Profª Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard)
Gender Issues in the Virtual Representations of EFL Brazilian Books

Denise de Mesquita Corrêa, 1995 (Prof. Sérgio Luiz Prado Bellei)
Blade Runners and Electric Sheep in Cyberspace: The Questions of Human Identity

Sílvia Madeira Neves Wolf, 1995 (Profª Barbara O. Baptista)
Foreign Language Acquisition through Interaction: An Ethnographic Study

Iara Jane Wollstein, 1995 (Profª Barbara O. Baptista)
Frequency of Strategy Use and Achievement in Foreign Language Learning

Eraldo José de Aguiar Jr., 1995 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
A Study of Characterization and Representation in James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and John Barth’s Lost in the Funhouse

Mailce Borges Mota, 1995 (Profª Barbara O. Baptista)
Working Memory Capacity and Fluent L2 Speech Production

Célia Regina dos Santos, 1995 (Prof. Sérgio Luiz Prado Bellei)
Decolonizing African Achebe: The Work of Chinua Achebe

Fernando Simão Vugman, 1995 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
From Master Narratives to Simulacra: An Analysis of Modernist Aesthetics in Orwell’s 1984 and Postmodern Aesthetics in Terry Gilliam’s Brazil

Paulo Roberto Queiroz, 1995 (Prof. José Roberto O’Shea)
Estranged Lives: The Romantic Grotesque in Carson McCuller’s Fiction

Lênia Pisani Gleize, 1995 (Prof. Sérgio Luiz Prado Bellei)
Manifestations of the Grotesque in Angela Carter’s Love and Wise Children

Gladir da Silva Cabral, 1996 (Profª Bernadete Pasold)
Death in the Poetry of Dylan Thomas

Alessandra Coutinho Fernandes, 1996 (Profª Susana Bornéo Funck)
Mother-Daughter Relationships and the Search for Identity in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye, Sula and Beloved

Maria do Socorro Baptista Barbosa,  1996 (Profª Susana Bornéo Funck)
From Objectification to Self-Affirmation: Mirror Imagery in Atwood’s First Three Novels

Lúcia de Almeida e Silva Nascimento, 1996 (Prof. Walter Carlos Costa)
Assessment of the Quality of Contract Translations

Sebastião Alves Teixeira Lopes, 1996 (Prof. José Roberto O’Shea)
‘The Best of them that Speak this Speech’: Language and Empire in William Shakespeare’s The Tempest

Helen Maria Linden, 1996 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
Social Critique in Scorsese’s The Age of Innocence and Madden’s Ethan Frome: Film Adaptations of Two Novels by Edith Wharton

Carlos Guilherme Hünninghausen, 1997 (Profª Susana Bornéo Funck)
Imagined Space: Representations of the Future City in Science Fiction Short Stories by Forster, Ballard and Gibson

Adriana de Carvalho Kuerten Dellagnelo, 1997 (Prof. Hilário Bohn)
Writing and Revision: The Effects of Individual Revision, Peer Revision and Teacher’s Written Feedback in Foreign Language Text Production

Jeanne Teixeira Rebello, 1997 (Profª Barbara O. Baptista)
The Acquisition of England Initial /s/ Clusters by Brazilian EFL Learners

Jair Luiz Alves da Silva Filho, 1998 (Profª Barbara O. Baptista)
The Production of English Syllable-Final Consonants by Brazilian EFL Learners

Renata Jorge Vieira, 1998 (Profª Loni Kreis Taglieber)
The Influence of Reading upon Writing in EFL Students’ Summarizing Process

Rosane Silveira, 1998 (Profª Loni Kreis Taglieber)
Writing Instruction and its Effects on the Development of EFL Students’ Writing Processes: Focus on Revision

Rubens Prawucki, 1998 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
‘Girls don’t Climb trees. Boys don’t Cry’: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Roles in a Narrative for Children

Murilo Matos Mendonça, 1998 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
News Discourse and Modality: The Interpersonal Representation of Male Violence in a Case Study of the British Press

Luciani Salcedo de Oliveira Malatér, 1998 (Prof. Hilário Bohn)
A Teacher’s Beliefs on Foreign Language Teaching and Learning: A Classroom Study

Loreni Teresinha Machado, 1998 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
Grammatical and Functional Aspects of Courtroom Questioning

Lincoln Paulo Fernandes, 1998 (Profª Maria Lúcia Barbosa de Vasconcellos)
Tim Burton’s The Nightmare before Christmas Vs. O Estranho Mundo de Jack: A Systemic Linguistic Perspective on the Study of Subtitling

Maria Elizabeth da Costa Gama, 1998 (Prof. José Luiz Meurer)
From Negro to African-American: A Study of Misrepresentation in the U.S. Press

Cláudia Gonçalves Soares, 1998 (Prof. José Luiz Meurer)
Aspects of the Image of Santa Catarina in Setting Advertisements: A Critical Discourse Analysis

Roberto Ferreira Júnior, 1998 (Prof. Dilvo Ristoff)
Televised America: The Presence of Television in John Updike’s Rabbit, Run and Rabbit Redux

Idonézia Collodel Benetti, 1998 (Profª Barbara O Baptista)
Cognitive and Affective Factors Affecting Task Difficulty in EFL Reading

Luciane Baretta, 1998 (Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
The Performance of Proficient EFL Readers When Reading to Recall and to Summarize Expository Texts

Maria Inês Probst Lucena, 1998 (Profª Barbara O. Baptista)
Processing Input: An Investigation into Brazilian EFL Students

Tomás Enrique Creus, 1998 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
The River and the Margins: Marginality and Exclusion in Mark Twain’s Old South

Ana Cecília da Gama Torres, 1998 (Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
Prior Knowledge, L2 Working Memory Capacity and L2 Reading Comprehension: How do They Relate?

Cláudia de Oliveira Alves, 1998 (Prof. Hilário Bohn)
Translation as a Foreign Language Learning Process

Gelson Peres da Silva, 1999 (Profª Margarida Gandara Rauen)
Marlowe’s Edward II: From Page to Screen

Elisa Lídia Grimm, 1999 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
A Visual and Lexicogrammatical Analysis of Advertisements in Nova and Cosmopolitan 

Tacel Ramberto Coutinho Leal, 1999 (Profª Susana Bornéo Funck)
Men Like Us: The Figure of the Male Homosexual in Edmund White’s Fiction 

Luciany Margarida da Silva, 1999 (Profª Maria Lúcia Barbosa de Vasconcellos)
Character, Language and Translation: A Linguistic Study of Character Construction in a Cinematic Version of Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire

Marcos Antônio Morgado de Oliveira, 1999 (Prof. José Luiz Meurer)
‘Fight the Power’: The Oppositional Discourse in African-American Popular Music 

Audrei Gesser, 1999 (Prof. Pedro de Moraes Garcez)
Teaching and Learning Brazilian Sign Language as a Foreign Language: A Microethnographic Description 

Cláudia Buchweitz, 1999 (Prof. José Roberto O’Shea)
Going Native: A Brazilian Appropriation of Willian Shakespeare’s The Tempest

Karina Amorim Knabben, 1999 (Prof. Dilvo Ristoff)
Class Conflict in William Dean Howelles’s The Rise of Silas Lapham and A Hazard of News Fortunes

Noélia Borges de Araújo, 1999 (Prof. José Roberto O’Shea)
Rethinking Female Archetypal Images in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre at the Turn of the Century 

Rosa Maria Beal Donato, 1999 (Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
Teaching Strategies to Facilitate EFL Vocabulary Acquisition through Reading: A Case Study with Brazilian Public School Fifth Graders

Adriane Marie Salm, 1999 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
A Discourse Analysis of Advertisements in Business English Textbooks

Celso Henrique Soufen Tumolo, 1999 (Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
Vocabulary Instruction: The Text as a Source in the Classroom

Mariléa Vieira Matos, 1999 (Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
The Use of Metacognitive Strategies for Main Idea Identification in Expository Texts: A Perspective on Instruction 

Dóris Regina Maes Manara, 1999 (Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
The Conception of Reading and the Use of Reading Strategies in Florianópolis Municipal Schools 

Maria Ester Wollstein Moritz, 1999 (Prof. Hilário Bohn)
Differences and Similarities in Self-Revision across Portuguese as a Native Language and English as a Foreign Language 

Thelma Belmonte, 1999 (Prof. José Luiz Meurer)
Organizational Aspects of Texts and Critical Reading Awareness 

Claudia Mesquita, 1999 (Prof. Pedro de Moraes Garcez)
An Interactional Sociolinguistic Study of Fictional Characters’ Conversational Exchanges 

Maria do Carmo de Oliveira Braga, 2000 (Profª Gloria Gil)
Humor in the EFL Classroom: A Socio-Interactionist Perspective

Marcia de Oliveira Del Corona, 2000 (Prof. Pedro de Moraes Garcez)
Doing Being a Judge: An Interactional Analysis of Criminal Examining Hearings in Porto Alegre, Brazil 

Clara Zeni Camargo Dornelles, 2000 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
Co-constructing the Victim in Counseling Sessions for Couples at the Women’s Police Station: A Microethnographic Study 

Raquel Maysa Keller, 2000 (Prof. Dilvo Ristoff)
The Reception of John Updike’s Fiction in the Brazilian Media 

Ingrid Fontanini, 2000 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
Lexicogrammatical Manifestations of Ideology in Letters to the Editor 

Eliana Maria Limongi, 2000 (Profª Maria Lúcia Barbosa de Vasconcellos)
The Interdependence of Extratextual and Intratextual Factors in Translated Texts: A Sample Analysis of Ícaro Brasil, Varig’s Bilingual Inflight Magazine 

Flávia Roberta Felippi Rückl, 2000 (Prof. Sérgio Luiz Prado Bellei)
Domination and Resistance in Herman Melville’s Characters 

Sabrina Silveira de Souza Jorge, 2000 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
A Comparative Study of the Discourse of Bank Advertisements from Lloyds TSB in England and Banco do Brasil in Brazil 

Cristala Athanázio Buschle, 2000 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
A Teacher’s Beliefs aboutTeaching EFL in Brazil: A Critical Discourse Analysis Case Study 

Christine Bareño Etges, 2000 (Profª Maria Lúcia Barbosa de Vasconcellos)
A Janus-Faced Manipulation: An Investigation of Narratives Construction on the Amazon in the Target and Source Context 

Rosa Maria Olher, 2000 (Prof. José Luiz Meurer)
Mission Statements: Site of Social and Ideological Action 

Alyson Elizabeth Rosalind Steele Ganzo Weickert, 2001 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
An Analysis of the Protagonist’s Face Work in As Good as it Gets: From an Obnoxious Hermit to a Social Human Being 

Bárbara Cristina Gallardo, 2001 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
“Why Can’t Women Talk Like a Man?”: An Investigation of Gender in the Play Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw 

Magali Sperling, 2001 (Prof. Dilvo Ristoff)
Reconstructing Identities: A Study of Toni Morison’s Beloved and Dionne Brand’s At the Full and Change of The Moon

Ana Carolina Vieira Rodriguez, 2001 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
The Uses of Magic Realism in Allende’s The House of the Spirits and Esquivel’s Like Water for Chocolate 

Célia Ferrarezi Beckedorff, 2001 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
The American Frontier: From Cooper to Hollywood 

Rossana Farias de Felippe, 2001 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
Two Translated Views of Capitu in Dom Casmurro: An Investigation of Textual and Contextual Features in the Construction of Femininity 

Daniela Maria Ioppi Chile, 2001 (Profª Maria Lúcia Barbosa de Vasconcellos)
Friends: The Translation of Humor in a Polysemiotic Text 

Sandra Mara L. Schmidt Cordeiro, 2001 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
The Use of the Discourse Makers Y’Know, I Mean and Well by a Group of Brazilian Learners of English 

Rodrigo Espinosa Cabral, 2001 (Profª Maria Lúcia Milléo Martins)
Poetry and Politics in Adriene Rich (1951-1999) 

Márcia de São Thiago Rosa, 2001 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
Conversational Strategies in EFL Setting-Gender X Floor Domination 

Maysa Cristina Dourado Castro, 2001 (Profª Maria Lúcia Milléo Martins)
Charles Simic’s Uses of History 

Édina Pereira Crunfli, 2001 (Prof. Sérgio Luiz Prado Bellei)
D. H. Lawrence: Drama and the Craft of Fiction 

Rubelise da Cunha, 2001 (Prof. Sérgio Luiz Prado Bellei)
Rewriting Forgotten Histories: The Heirs of Columbus and A Coyote Columbus Story 

Fabiana de Fátima Cipriani, 2001 (Profª Gloria Gil)
Oral Participation Strategies in the Foreign Languages Classroom: An Ethnographic Account 

Maria Aparecida Rita Moreira, 2001 (Profª Gloria Gil)
The Use of the Mother Tongue in EFL Classrooms of the Great Florianópolis (SC) Region: A Study of State School Teachers’ Perceptions 

Acácia Rosar, 2001 (Prof. Marco Antônio Esteves da Rocha)
Limitations and Possibilities of Machine Translation: A Case Study 

Danielle Barbosa Lins de Almeida, 2001 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
(In)Humanising Language Classrooms: A Pathway to (De)Motivation

Valdemar dos Passos Apolinário, 2001 (Prof. Dilvo Ristoff)
Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman: Politics, Social Conscience, and the American Dream 

Leonardo Juliano Recski, 2002 (Profª Barbara O. Baptista)
Computer-Assisted Error Analysis: A Study of Prepositional Errors in the Brazilian Subcomponent of the the International Corpus of Learner English (Br-ICLE) 

Francisco Osvanilsom Dourado Veloso, 2002 (Prof. José Luiz Meurer)
Us vs Them: A Critical Analysis of Superman – Peace on Earth 

Terezinha Marcondes Diniz Biazi, 2002 (Profª Gloria Gil)
Investigating the Teaching and Learning Experiences of EFL Teachers in the Education Programme PECPISC: An Analysis on Teachers’ Principles of Practice 

Janice Inês Nodari, 2002 (Prof. Dilvo Ristoff)
The Construction of Identity in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple and Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God 

Andréia Cristina Cipriani, 2002 (Prof. José Luiz Meurer)
Power in Religious Discourse: A Discourse Analysis of Sermons from the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God 

Luciana Conceição Klein, 2002 (Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
Brazilian College Students’ Attitude towards Academic Written English 

Sinara de Oliveira Branco, 2002 (Profª Maria Lúcia Barbosa de Vasconcellos)
The Traffic of English Words in the Brazilian Translation Context both in Specialised and more General Publications: A Case Study 

Sandra Regina Schatz, 2002 (Prof. Sérgio Luiz Prado Bellei)
From Frankenstein to Matrix: Cultural Perceptions of Cyborgs 

Alessandra Soares Brandão, 2002 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
Screening Thrills – Time and Space in the Construction of Suspense in Alfred Hitchcock’s Film Adaptations Rear Window and The Birds 

Daniela Gomes de Araújo Nóbrega, 2002 (Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
EFL Reading Teacher’s Procedures in Florianópolis Public Schools: A Case Study 

Gilberto Lopes Teixeira, 2002 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Police Offense Incident Reports 

Ariadne Costa da Mata, 2002 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
Blissful Violence – Ambiguity in Stanley Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange 

Alexandre Cohn da Silveira, 2002 (Prof. Dilvo Ristoff)
The Tropic Perception of Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye 

Lucila Augusta Campesatto, 2002 (Profª Maria Lúcia Barbosa de Vasconcellos)
Thematic Structure in Brazilian Portuguese Abstracts in English Translation: The Issue of Textual Competence 

Ricardo Moura Buchweitz, 2002 (Prof. José Roberto O’Shea)
Manifestations of Otherness in Performance: A Brazilian Othello 

Érika Iório, 2002 (Prof. José Luiz Meurer)
Evaluation in Customer Reviews: A Linguistic Investigation on Appraisal Resources 

Andréia Schurt Rauber, 2002 (Profª Barbara O. Baptista)
The Production of English Initial /s/ Clusters by Portuguese and Spanish EFL Speakers 

Eduardo Marks de Marques, 2002 (Prof. Sérgio Luiz Prado Bellei)
‘Exterminate All the Brutes’: Colonialism and Racism in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness 

Márcia Regina de Pawlas Carazzai, 2002 (Profª Gloria Gil)
Grammar and Grammar Teaching: A Qualitative Study of EFL Teachers’ Beliefs and Behaviors 

Didiê Ana Ceni Denardi, 2002 (Profª Gloria Gil)
Investigating Strategic Reading Instruction from a Sociocultural Perspective in Two Brazilian ESP Classrooms 

Joara Martins Bergsleithner, 2002 (Profª Gloria Gil)
Grammar and Interaction in the EFL Classroom: A Sociocultural Study 

Antônio Eckel, 2002 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
An EFL Teacher’s Narratives of Personal Experience in the Construction of Professional Identity: A Critical Discourse Analysis 

Eric Thomas Fortier, 2003 (Profª Maria Lúcia Milléo Martins)
General Intentions, Literal Meanings: The Figure in the Carpet, James, Tate, and I, The Reader

Vilmar Ferreira de Souza, 2003 (Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
The Role of Cognates in Reading Comprehension: A Cognitive Perspective

Sandra Mina Takakura, 2003 (Prof. Sérgio Luiz Prado Bellei)
(Mis)Recognition and Changing Roles – A Lacanian Reading of Henry James’s The Turn of the Screw 

Deunézio Cornelian Júnior, 2003 (Profª Barbara O. Baptista)

Kézia L’Engle de Figueiredo Heye, 2003 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
Weird Fiction and the Unholy Glee of H.P. Lovecraft 

Luciane Ceolato Parracho, 2003 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
The Representation of the Brazilian Rainforest in Recent Mainstream Films: An Analysis of Medicine Man and At Play in the Fields of the Lord 

Anderson Alves de Souza, 2003 (Prof. José Luiz Meurer)
‘Mortals, Hear the Sacred Cry!’ National Anthems as a Promotional Discourse of Patriotism 

Letícia Zimer Rebelo, 2003 (Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
An Analysis of Texts and Tasks in ESAP Textbooks for Computing 

Ramayana Lira de Souza, 2003 (Prof. José Roberto O’Shea)
‘There Would this Monster Make a Man’: Teratology in Rendition of Caliban in the RSC Production of William Shakespeare’s The Tempest 

Tomasz Krzysztof Przytula, 2003 (Prof. Dilvo I. Ristoff)
Emersonian Philosophy in John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath 

Daniela Malheiros Mendonça, 2003 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
Working Memory Capacity and the Retention of L2 Vocabulary 

Joseph Mark Rega, 2003 (Profª Anelise Reich Courseuil)
“Space Doubt: The Progression of Spaces from Metropolis to the Matrix”

Marina Beatriz Borgmann da Cunha, 2003 (Prof. José Roberto O’Shea)
‘Is This the Promis’d End?’ Reinventing King Lear for a Brazilian Audience

Célia Dias da Silva Bell, 2003 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
Investigating the Effectiveness of Two Approaches to EST Vocabulary: An Exploratory Study

Marimar da Silva, 2003 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
Constructing the Teaching Process from Inside Out: How Preservice Teaching Make Sense of their Perceptions of the Teaching of the 4 Skills

Charles Albuquerque Ponte, 2003 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
Towards Humanity: Narrator-Character Relationship in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey and A Clockwork Orange

Valéria de Souza Barreira, 2003 (Profª Josalba Ramalho Vieira)
FI Readings Strategies for Metaphor and Word Game Interpretation in a Non-Specialized Magazine: A Case Study

Sidnéia Nunes Ferreira, 2003 (Profª Gloria Gil)
Understanding Text-Image Relationships in Newsweek Cover Stories: A Study of Multimodal Meaning-Making

Marion Gottschalk, 2003 (Profª Josalba Ramalho Vieira)
The Role of Literature in Brazilian High School Contexts 

Nicholas Snow Simonds, 2004 (Prof. Sérgio Luiz Prado Bellei)
Language, History and Heart of Darkness

Tatiana Wippel Raimundo, 2004 (Profª Lêda M. Braga Tomitch)
Going Deep into the Right Direction: An Analysis of Figurative Language Comprehension in Right Hemisphere Damaged Individuals

Angélica Del Valle, 2004 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
Investigating the Effects of Modified Input and Pushed Output on the Comprehension and Acquisition of L2 Vocabulary.

Luiz Armando Silveiro Sozinho, 2004 (Profª Barbara O. Baptista)
The Perception and Production of English Compound Stress Patterns of Brazilian Learners of English

Péricles de Souza Pinto, 2004 (Profª Maria Lúcia Barbosa de Vasconcellos)
Professional vs. Novice Translators: A Study of Effort and Experience in Translation

Cláudia Ramos Neves, 2004 (Prof. José Soares Gatti)
Returning to Zamunda to find Paradise: Eddie Murphy’s Coming to America and the Politics of Parody in Film

José Carlos Felix, 2004 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
Film and Television Adaptation: A Comparative Analyses of A Streetcar Named Desire adaptations for Cinema and Television

Rafaela Nascimento de Moraes, 2004 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
Meshes of the Afternoon: The Possibility of Poetic Cinema in Maya Deren’s Film

Maria da Glória Guará Tavares, 2004 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
A Matter of Style: Looking at L2 Teachers’ Teaching Styles from the Perception of Learning Styles

Jorge Humberto Schadrack, 2004 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
Test Usefulness in the EFL Extension Program at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC): An Analyses

Gicele Vergine Vieira Prebianca, 2004 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
Communication Strategies and L2 Speech Production

Leonice Passarella dos Reis, 2004 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
Investigating the Effects of Language Learning Strategies Teaching on the Learning Process of EFL Students with Learning Difficulties

Saionara Greggio, 2004 (Profª Gloria Gil)
Analysing Code Switching in the EFL Classroom from Qualitative and Sociocultural Perspectives

Gustavo Vargas Cohen, 2004 (Profª Barbara O. Baptista)
The VOT Dimension: A Bi-Directional Experiment with English and Brazilian-Portuguese Stops

Ana Paula Trevisani, 2004 (Profª Gloria Gil)
Implementation of Reading Tasks in an EFL Classroom: A Study of Teacher and Text Relations

Maria da Conceição Klober da Silveira, 2004 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
Effects of Task Familiarity on L2 Speech Production

Denise Cristina Kluge, 2004 (Profª Barbara O. Baptista)
The Perception and Production of English Syllable-Final Nasals by Brazilian Learners

Carla Valle Rego de Sousa, 2004 (Profª Gloria Gil)
Continuing Education: Some of the Main Concerns of the Teachers Participation in the PECPISC Programme

Fabiana Boos Vásquez, 2004 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
L2 Learners’ Oral Performance on Integrated and Independent Tasks

Kyria Rebeca Finardi, 2004 (Profª Gloria Gil)
Teachers’ Use of and Beliefs on Ludic Language in the Foreign Language Class

Graziela Maróstica Callegaro, 2004 (Profª Gloria Gil)
The Serious Matter of Language Play in Two EFL Classrooms 

Ana Cristina Alves da Silva, 2005 (Prof. Antonio João Teixeira)
The Fog Era: A Jungian and Post-Jungian Interpretation of Dracula and its filmic version Bram Stoker’s Dracula

Dolores Aronovich Aguero, 2005 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
What Have They Done to Lolita? The Transposition of Irony from Nabokov’s to Stanley Kubrick’s and Adrian Lyne’s Film Versions

Elaine Espindola, 2005 (Profª Maria Lúcia Barbosa de Vasconcellos)
The Use and Abuse of Subtitling as a Practice of Cultural Representation: Cidade de Deus and Boyz’n the Hood

Viviane Paquilin, 2005 (Profª Maria Lúcia Barbosa de Vasconcellos)
The Various of a Message: An Analysis of the Thematic Structure in Bridget Jone’s Diary in the Light of the Systemic Functional Grammar, Corpus Linguistics and Translation Studies Interface.

Maura Bernardon, 2005 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
Women in Business Contexts Represented in the Magazines Secretaria Executiva and Mulher Executiva: A Lexicogrammatical and Visual Analysis

Raquel Cristina M. de Carvalho, 2005 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
A Teacher’s Discourse in EFL Classes for Very Young Learners: Investigating Mood Choices and Register

Ana Lúcia T. Bittencout, 2005 (Profª Bernadete Limongi)
Paralyses Revisited in the Light of Social, Political and Religious Aspects in James Joyce’s “The Dead”

Neide Garcia Pinheiro, 2005 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
The English Patient: Nationalism and National Identity in Ondaatje’s Novel and Minghella’s film

Lídia Stutz, 2005 (Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
An Investigation of the Types of Reading Tasks and Texts in EFL Textbooks and their Effect on Students’ Motivation

Sanae Jomori Morisawa, 2005 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
Compliments and Responses to Compliments Produced by Brazilian Learners of English

José Osvaldo Sampaio Bueno, 2005 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
An Analysis of Media Representations and Spoken Interactions in Battalions of the Brazilian Army

Mariese Ribas Stankiewicz, 2005 (Profª Maria Lúcia  Milléo Martins)
Tradition and Dialogic Interactions between William Butler Yeat’s Poetry and Irish Pop Music

Sara Geane Kobelinski, 2005 (Profª Maria Lúcia Barbosa Vasconcellos)
A Corpus-Based Approach to ESP: -Est Vocabulary in Information Technology

Juliana Cristina Salvadori, 2005 (Profª Maria Lúcia Milléo Martins)
E. E Cummings: “A perhaps” Romantic, Modernist, Avant-Gardist

Eduardo Gentile, 2005 (Prof. José Luiz Meurer)
Representations of the Human Rights of Brazilian Women

Mônica Denise Godarth Tomazi, 2005 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
A Discourse Analysis of Participants’ View in an English Language Teacher Development Course

Caroline de Araújo Pupo Hagemeyer, 2005 (Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
The Role of Teacher-Student Interaction in the Process of Reading Engagement of EFL Adolescent Students

Camila Alvares Pasquetti, 2005 (Profª Maria Lúcia Milléo Martins)
A Reading of Thoreau’s “Walking” as a Travel Narrative

Debora de Rocco, 2005 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
The Narrator’s Performance in Wuthering Heights: The novel and the Film

Célia Regina Viganó, 2005 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
Listening the Academic Lectures: A Comparison of Two Groups of EFL Learners.

Eliza Mitiyo Morinaka, 2005 (Profª Maria Lúcia Vasconcellos)
Gabriela Cravo e Canela and its (re)Textualization in English

Margareth Perucci, 2005 (Profª Barbara O. Baptista)
The Effect of Instruction on Sandhi-Forms on L2 Listening Comprehension Tasks

Guilherme de Oliveira Quandt, 2005 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
Elizabeth Bishop and 5 Brazilian Authors: Reflecting on the Lens

Ivete Pauluk, 2005 (Prof. Marco Antonio Esteves da Rocha)
Quite from English into Portuguese: A Corpus-Based Translation Study

Gisele Luz Cardoso, 2005 (Profª Josalba Ramalho Vieira)
Reading Song Lyrics: Co-construction of Metaphorical Expressions by EFL Learners

Juliane Massarollo, 2005 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
Talking and Testing: Assessment of Letras EFL Students’ Oral Performance at UFSC

Melissa Bettoni-Techio, 2005 (Profª Rosana Denise Koerich)
Production of Final Alveolar Stops in Brazilian Portuguese/English Interphonology

Miquéias Rodrigues, 2005 (Profª Gloria Gil)
A Qualitative Study of Speech and Gestures in the Vocabulary Explanations of One EFL Teacher

Heloísa Helena de Faria Tambosi, 2006 (Profª Gloria Gil)
Investigating Language Play in Interaction: A Qualitative Study with Children as Foreign Language Learners

Juliana Sartori, 2006 (Profª Eliana Ávila)
On the Road with a Beat Writer

Eloiza Romanini, 2006 (Profª Josalba Ramalho Vieira)
Fostering Metaphoric Competence in English as a Foreign Language Reading Class

Gleimara Regina Ferreira Zúniga, 2006 (Profª Maria Lúcia Barbosa de Vasconcellos)
Construing the Translator: A Meta-Reflection Grounded in Corpus-Based Translation Studies and Systemic Functional Linguistics

Mateus da Rosa Pereira, 2006 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
Representations of Sherlock Holmes in Brazilian and English Recent Cultural Productions: An Analysis of Cultural and Historical Elements Associated with National Identity

Carla Fernanda Nolli, 2006 (Prof. Marco Antonio Esteves da Rocha)
Data-Driven Learning and Corpus-Based Approaches in Language Education- An Analysis of Conditional Sentences

Mara Silva Reis, 2006 (Profª Barbara O. Baptista)
The Perception and Production of English Interdental Fricatives by Brazilian EFL Learners 

Maria Teresa Collares, 2006 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
Two Different Looks at the Past: The Representations of History in The Mission and Black Robe

Adriana Regina Baiocco Stanzioni, 2006 (Profª Josalba Ramalho Vieira)
A Teacher Becoming Researcher: Reframing Metaphorical Concepts of Reading Paradigms

Thais Sada Ribeiro, 2006 (Profª Barbara O. Baptista)
Acoustic Correlates of Word Stress in the Connected Speech of American English and Brazilian Portuguese Speakers

Lisiane Rossi, 2006 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
The Impact of Strategy Instruction on L2 Learners’ Oral Performance: Investigating Metacognitive Learning Strategies

Marcos da Silva, 2006 (Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
The Implications of Time Allocation and Test-Wiseness in a Test of Reading Comprehension in English

Fernanda Delatorre, 2006 (Profª Rosana Denise Koerich)
Brazilian EFL Learners’ Production of Vowel Epenthesis on Words Ending in –ed

Jair João Gonzaga, 2006 (Profª Gloria Gil)
Experimenting with SFL as a Tool for CDA in a Secondary School Classroom Environment

Donesca Cristina Puntel Xhafaj, 2006 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
Pause Distribution and Working Memory Capacity in L2 Speech Production

Marici Schnetzler Truffi Barci, 2006 (Profª Gloria Gil)
Investigating Student Teachers of a Letras Program: Their Beliefs and Expectations about Being English Teachers

Rudinei Aldini Frese, 2006 (Profª Rosana Denise Koerich)
The Relationship between Perception and Production of Words Ending in –ed by Brazilian EFL Learners

Jacir Paulo Baratieri, 2006 (Profª Rosana Denise Koerich)
Production of /I/ in the English Coda by EFL Learners An Acoustic-Articulatory Analysis

Mara Simone Bonfanti, 2006 (Prof. Apóstolo Theodoro Nicolacópulos)
Benefactive Microscenes in the Context of News Reports

Camila de Andrade Tucunduva, 2007 (Prof. Marco Antonio Esteves da Rocha)
Translation Completeness: A Corpus-Based Approach

Camila Araújo de Lucena, 2007 (Profª Josalba Ramalho Vieira)
Understanding Metaphors in Magazine Texts about Economy

Eduardo Henrique Diniz de Figueiredo, 2007 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
Treating Speaking in its Own Right: An Explanatory Study

Maiza de Lavenère Bastos, 2007 (Prof. José Luiz Meurer)
Sound and Language in Discourse: Relationships and Representations in the Film Mulholland Drive

José Carlos Martins, 2007 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Speech at the Annual Labour Party Conference 2003: An Analysis of Exigence and Transitivity Choice Based on CDA and SFL

Violeta Toledo Piza Arantes, 2007 (Profª Rosana Denise Koerich)
Perception and Production of English Final-Stops by Young Brazilian EFL Students

Laylla Donata Cardoso, 2007 (Profª Gloria Gil)
A Systemic Functional Approach to Experimental Meaning Construal in “Agony Aunt Columns”: A Case Study on Two Columns of Glamour Magazine

Ricardo Augusto Hoffmann Bion, 2007 (Profª Barbara O. Baptista)
The Role of Listeners’ Dialect in the Perception of Foreign-Accented Vowels

Aline de Mello Sanfelice, 2007 (Prof. José Roberto O’Shea)
One Name, Several (wo)men: Reflections on Virginia Woolf’s Orlando 

Maria Isabel Tubino Grunschy, 2007 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
Analysing Tarsila do Amaral’s Paintings from Social-Semiotic Perspective

Claudia Inês Piaia, 2007 (Profª Anelise  Reich Corseuil)
From Albania to Brazil: Ismail Kadaré’s Broken April and its Filmic Adaptation, Walter Salle’s Abril Despedaçado

Marly Vhoss Cardeal, 2007 (Prof. Lincoln Paulo Fernandes)
The Place of Instructional Conversation and Direct Instruction in Teacher Talk

Simone Regina Lenzi Rosembrock, 2007 (Prof. Lincoln Paulo Fernandes)
The Use of the Target Language in Teacher Talk: Building Student’s Knowledge

Rita de Cássia Eleutério de Moraes, 2007 (Prof. José Soares Gatti)
Re-constructing a National Past: Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre Adaptation to Film

Patrícia Argôlo Rosa, 2007 (Prof. Lincoln Paulo Fernandes)
Communication Conflicts in Two Brazilian University Classrooms

Carla Aparecida Marinho Borba, 2007 (Profª Josalba Ramalho Vieira)
MST in the British and Brazilian Press: Metaphorical Reading in FL Classroom

Dante Luiz de Lima, 2007 (Prof. José Soares Gatti)
Bloody Eroticism in Interview with the Vampire: From Literature to the Audiovisual Domain

Caroline Roberto, 2007 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
The Debate around Cidade de Deus: Political Emptiness of “Pastiche” or Paradox of “Complicitous Critique”?

Julissa Lainna Ribeiro Silva, 2007 (Prof. Apóstolo Nicolacópulos)
Experiental Microscenes and Semantic Movements in “Dear Abby”

Giana Targanski Steffen, 2008 (Profª Josalba Ramalho Vieira)
“My Father Languge is Portuguese”: Developing Plurilinguistic Awareness with 5 Graders

Fabio Alexandre Silva Bezerra, 2008 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
Sex and the City: An Investigation of Women’s Image in Carrie Bradshaw’s Discourse as Narrator.

Raphael Albuquerque de Boer, 2008 (Prof. José Soares Gatti)
Representations of Women in the Movies The Color Purple and Monster: Questions about Sexuality and Identity

Daniel Egil Ferdinand Yencken, 2008 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
Local Uses of Global Media: Activist Video from Florianópolis in the Centro de Mídia Independente Brasil Website

Renata Lucena Dalmaso, 2008 (Prof. Sergio Luiz Prado Bellei)
“Modern Monsters”, Old Habits: Relationship between Nature, Humans, and Technology in John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath

Daniel Hight Moore, 2008 (Profª Barbara O. Baptista)
The Perception of English Word-Final /1/ by Brazilian Learners

Edegar França Júnior, 2008 (Profª Maria Lúcia Milléo Martins)
The Multifaced Janus: Multiculturalism in the Poetry of Cyril Dabydeen

Rogério Silvestre da Silva, 2008 (Profª Maria Lúcia Milléo Martins)
From Local to Global: The Trajectory of Dionne Brand’s Political Engagement

Márcia Cristine Agustini, 2008 (Profª Adriana de Carvalho Dellagnelo)
In Search of the Ideal Teacher

Juliana Kumbartzki-Ferreira, 2008 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
The Effects of Role Play Tasks on EFL Learners’ Oral Fluency

Gabriela de Almeida Lemes, 2008 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
EFL CD-ROMs: Mapping the Types of Language Activities in Digital Media

Maria Elizabete Villela Santiago, 2008 (Prof. José Luiz Meurer)
Investigating EFL Teachers’ Discourse in an Orkut Community Forum: Text and Context

Alinne Balduino Pires Fernandes, 2009 (Profª Maria Lúcia Barbosa de Vasconcellos)
Black into White and Preto no Branco: Can You Tell One’s Colour by the Company One Keeps?

Fernanda Ramos Machado, 2009 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
The Use of ICT Tools in Undergraduate English Language Programmes: Beliefs of Professors and Students

Márcia Regina Gromoski, 2009 (Profª Adriana Kuerten Dellagnelo)
Class Plan, Practicum and Report: Investigating an EFL Trainee-Teacher’s Discursive Representation of the Teacher/Learning Process

Mariana Honorato Mariano, 2009 (Profª Barbara O. Baptista)
The Influence of Training and Instruction on the Production of Verbs Ending in –ed by Brazilian EFL Learners

Nadia Karina Ruhmke Ramos, 2009 (Profª Barbara O. Baptista)
The Effects of Training and Instruction on the Perception of the English Interdental Fricatives by Brazilian EFL Learners

Maria Augusta Salvia Vaz, 2009 (Prof. Marco Antonio Rocha)
A Corpus-Based Investigation on Adverbs in Portuguese/English Journalistic Translations

Mariza Tulio, 2009 (Profª Claudia Junqueira de Lima Costa)
Gender and the Politics of the Gaze in Brontë’s Wuthering Heights

Katia Cristine Souza Bauer, 2009 (Profª Gloria Gil)
A Qualitative Analysis of a Continuing Foreign Language Teacher Education Program from the Perspective of Exploratory Practice

Melina Pereira Salvi, 2009 (Prof. Anelise Reich Corseuil)
Central Station and Issues of Identity in Film Form and Critical Debates

Luciana Hioka, 2009 (Prof. Claudia Junqueira de Lima Costa)
The Cowboy Comes Out of the Closet: Questions on Sexuality and National Identity in the Film Brokeback Mountain

Maristela Campos Alves dos Santos, 2009 (Profª Maria Lúcia Milléo Martins)
“What We Desire is African”: Intertextuality of Negritude in Clarke’s and Trindade’s Poetry

Thiago Blanch Pires, 2009 (Profª Maria Lúcia Barbosa de Vasconcellos)
The Construal of Bishop’s Ideational Profile in Flores Raras e Banalissimas and Rare and Commoplace Flowers: A Corpus–Based Translation Study 

Nicole Ferreira Martins, 2009 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
“More than just Friends”: A Discourse Analysis of a Woman and a Man Interacting on MSN

Camila Paula Camilotti, 2010 (Prof. José Roberto O’Shea)
Political Shadows: Two Brazilian Adaptations of William Shakespeare’s Richard III

Ariene Cristina Della Libera dos Santos, 2010 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
L2 Grammar Acquisition and Use in L2 Speech Production

Anna Belavina Kuerten, 2010 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
Assessing Speech Production in English as a Foreign Language: An Analysis of International Proficiency Tests and Guidelines

Rosemeire Todão, 2010 (Prof. José Roberto O’Shea)
Photography in Shakespeare and Performance: A Pictorial Study of Cacá Rosset’s A Comédia dos Erros

Silvia Biehl, 2010 (Profª Anelise Reich Courseuil)
Globalization from top and below: (Re) Framing (Brazilian) Margins in Two North-America Documentaries

Claudia Marchese Winfield, 2010 (Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
The Impact of Conjunctions on EFL University Students’ Comprehension and Summarization of Expository Texts

Emiliano Daniel de Souza, 2010 (Prof. José Roberto O’Shea)
Shakespeare, Television and Painting: Stylization in the BBC Anthony and Cleopatra and Cymbeline

Kátia Eliane Muck, 2010 (Profª Adriana Kuerten Dellagnelo)
How Lessons are Taught: A Case Study of a Linguistic Approach to Teacher’s Discourse

Matias Corbett Garcez, 2010 (Prof.ª Maria Lúcia Milléo Martins)
Tropical Ginsberg: The Resonance of Allen Ginsberg on the Tropicália

Aline Razzera Maciel, 2010 (Prof. José Roberto O’Shea)
Shakespearean Puppets: Dramatic and Human Bodies Manipulated 

Juliane Regina Trevisol, 2010 (Profª Barbara O. Baptista)
The Production of the English Interdental Fricatives by Brazilian Former and Future EFL Teachers

Andrea Cristina Natal Simões, 2010 (Profª Maria Lúcia Milléo Martins)
The Portrayals of the Fathers and Daughters in Mary Michele’s Poetry

Patrícia dos Santos Oga, 2010 (Profª Raquel Carolina Souza D’Ely)
Developing and Applying Different Criteria to Assess Brazilian EFL Textbooks

Renata Mayumi Ogawa, 2010 (Profª Eliana de Souza Ávila)
Citizens of Nowhere? Assymmetrical Displacements in Nadine Gordimer’s The Pick Up

Alice Reinke, 2010 (Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
Analizying Texts in EFL Reading Classes: A Qualitative Research with Undergraduate Material

Josiane Basso Hining, 2010 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
Learning Difficulty, L2 Proficiency, and Implicit and Explicit Knowledge: A Replication Study

Fabiana Vanessa Achy de Almeida, 2010 (Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
University Student’s Perception of Their Reading Behavior in EFL

Paola Vanessa de Giacomo, 2010 (Profª Josalba Ramalho Vieira)
Contemporary Theory of Metaphor: An Analysis of Lakoffian Echoes in Brazil

Rita de Cássia Sobreiro, 2010 (Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
EFL Readers’ Text Comprehension: Assessing the Effectiveness of Illustrations

Jefferson Luiz Silva, 2010 (Profª Susana Bornéo Funck)
Ideology and power relations in online newspapers

Camila Quevedo Oppelt, 2010 (Profª Susana Bornéo Funck)
Teachers’ expectations: an intercultural discursive investigation

Caroline Chioquetta Lorenset, 2010 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
Visual and Lexicogrammatical Analyses of Websites of Women’s Magazines

Cecilia Amanda Willi de Souza, 2010 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
Counter Strike Calls to Play: A Multimodal Analysis of The Game Over

Claudia Santos Mayer, 2011 (Prof. José Soares Gatti)
Everything Is Gonna Lead to the Same Place: Dogme 95 and Gus Van Sant’s Death Trilogy

Mariane Antero Alves, 2011 (Profª Barbara O. Baptista)
Production of English and Portuguese Voiceless Stops by Brazilian EFL Speakers

Rafael Matielo, 2011 (Profª Maria Lúcia Barbosa de Vasconcellos)
Subtitling Words or Omitting Worlds? Systemic Functional Linguistics Unveiling Meanings Translated out of the Subtitles of the TV Series Heroes

Adriana Campbell Santos de Lacerda, 2011 (Profª Gloria Gil)
Teenagers’ Motivation in Second Language Acquisition: A case Study of Two Elementary Schools in the South of Brazil 

Ângela Maria Tremarin de Andrade, 2011 (Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
Critical Reading in L2: Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives

Rossana Kramer, 2011 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
Effects of Bilingualism on Inhibitory Control and Working Memory: A Study with Early and Late Bilinguals

Cyntia Bailer, 2011 (Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
Working memory capacity and attention to form and meaning in EFL reading

Cleiton Constantino Oliveira, 2011 (Profª Gloria Gil)
EFL Students’ Tales of their Language Learning

Susana Rita Chávez, 2011 (Profª Maria Lúcia Milléo Martins)
Representations of Brazil in the writings of P.K. Page

Deise Caldart, 2012 (Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
The Effect of Genre Expectation on EFL Brazilian Students’ Inference Generation and Reading Comprehension

Martha Julia Martins de Souza, 2012 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
Chico Mendes’s Case: an investigation into online newspapers

Marcia Tiemy Morita Kawamoto, 2012 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
Historical Representation in the Age of Lost Innocence: A Study on Bernardo Bertolucci’s and Gilbert Adair’s Adaptations of The Holy Innocents

Silvia Cristina Barros de Souza, 2012 (Profª Gloria Gil)
Teacher’s Representations of the English Language in Santarém, Pará

Marina Farias Martins, 2012 (Prof. José Roberto O’Shea)
“Aptly Fitted and Naturally Perform’d”: Dramatic Performativity and the Study of Humor in Patrícia Fagundes’s A Megera Domada

Bruna Batista Abreu, 2012 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
Eleven things that girls love: a systemic-functional and critical discourse analysis of the representations of femininity in the comic book Turma da Mônica Jovem

Sarah de Sousa Silvestre, 2012 (Profª Susana Bornéo Funck)
Porcelain Madonnas and Fleshy Tramps: The Construction of Female Characters in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 1920, 1930 and 1940 Films

Antonio Gomes Diniz, 2012 (Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
The Teaching and Learning of Reading at UERN Letras Course: The Use of Reading Strategies Concerning the Development of EFL Readers

Renata Gomes Luis, 2012 (Profª Gloria Gil)
English Undergraduate Students’ Representations about Culture in Foreign Language Classrooms

Pâmela Freitas Pereira Toassi, 2012 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
Crosslinguistic Influences in the Acquisition of English as a Third Language: An Investigation

Andreana Marchi, 2012 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Barack Obama’s Campaign Speech in Berlin

Marcelo Martins Kremer, 2012 (Prof. Celso Henrique S. Tumolo)
Oral Development in English as a Foreign Language: Perceptions of Distance Education Students on Resources and Activities

Lívia Maria Pinto Paschoal, 2012 (Profª Susana Bornéo Funck)
Falling for Lions: Transformations of the Vampire Character in Literature

Mariana Beatríz Perrino, 2012 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
The Effects of Age and Proficiency on Verbal Morphological Processing in English as L1 and L2

Daniela Brito de Jesus, 2012 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
The Effect of L2 Proficiency on the Declarative and Procedural Memory Systems of Bilinguals: A Psycholinguistic Study

Laura Mesquita Baltazar, 2012 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
Frequency Effects and the Processing of Verbal Morphology by L1 and L2 speakers of English

Alexander Martin Gross, 2012 (Prof. José Roberto O’Shea)
The Role of the Globe Theatre in Shaping Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Julius Caesar

Fernando Antonio Bassetti Cestaro, 2012 (Prof. José Roberto O’Shea)
Machiavellian Mechanism: Political Power struggle in Laurence Olivier’s Cinematographic Adaptation of Shakespeare’s Richard III

Juliana Bittencourt Barber, 2012 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
“What Does a Scanner See?” Philip K. Dick’s and Richard Linklater’s Take on Identity and Identity Crisis

Sheila Kath Gamberalli, 2012 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
Abre Los Ojos and Vanilla Sky: a verbal and visual analysis of two conversations between the main characters

Mayara Tsuchida Zanfra, 2013 (Profª Rosane Silveira)
Phonological Context as a Trigger of Voicing Change: a study on the production of English /s/ and /z/ in word-final position by Brazilians

Thaís Suzana Schadech, 2013 (Profª Rosane Silveira)
The Production of Word-initial /l/ by Brazilian Learners of English and the Issues of Comprehensibility and Intelligibility

Angela Cristina Battirola, 2013 (Prof. Celso Henrique S. Tumolo)
Reading in English as a Foregn Language: What Test Items Can Tell

George Alexandre Ayres de Menezes Mousinho, 2013 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
Subversive Blood Ties: Gothic Decadence in Three Characters from Murnau’s and Coppola’s Renderings of Bram Stoker’d Dracula

Fernanda Farias Friedrich, 2013 (Profª Susana Bornéo Funck)
From Dead until Dark to True Blood: A Comparative Analysis of the Narrative in the Novel and the Television Series

Diogo Brüggemann, 2013 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
Out of the Coffin: Queer Monsters and the Gothic Tradition in Allan Ball’s True Blood

Carlos Eduardo da Silva, 2013 (Prof. Lincoln Paulo Fernandes)
Developing an Online Parallel Corpus for Translation Research and Pedagogy

Marinho Cristiel Bender, 2013 (Prof. Celso Henrique S. Tumolo)
Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Videos in Distance Education

Gislaine Aparecida Bahls, 2013 (Profª Eliana de Souza Ávila)
Astonishing Comics: A Disability Studies Perspective on X-Men

Fernanda Moreira da Silva 28, 2013 (Profª. Susana Borneo Funck)
Breakdown and Recovery: Female Madness in Sylvia PLath’s The Bell and Susanna Kaysen’s Girl, Interrupted

Karina Gebien, 2013 (Profª. Gloria Gil)
A Study of Teachers’ Perceptions on Cultural and intercultural Aspects in Public Schools in Blumenau

Thayse Madella, 2013 (Profª. Eliana de Souza Ávila)
“Straddling East and West: The Orientalist Gaze Reversed in Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis

Juliana Mattos dos Santos, 2013 (Profª. Eliana de Souza Ávila)
“Stirring Up The Jamesons/Ahmad Debate: ‘National Allegory’ Through a Cultural Realist Perspective”

Avital Grubstein de Cykman, 2014 (Profª. Susana Borneo Funck)
My Body, My Self and My Reading of Corporeality in Margaret Atwood’s Fiction

Litiane Barbosa Macedo, 2014 (Profª. Viviane Maria Heberle)
Hollywood Romantic Comedies: A Social Semiotic Analysis of the Leading Female Characters in IT Happened One Night and The Proposal

Alison Roberto Gonçalves, 2014 (Profª. Rosane Silveira)
In Search of Speech Intelligibility: The Case of English High Front Vowels

André Luís Specht, 2014 (Profªa Raquel Carolina de Souza Ferraz D’Ely)
The Impact of Strategic Planning Instruction on Learner’s Accurate Oral Performance of English as a Foreign Language

Priscila Fabiane Farias, 2014 (Profª. Raquel Carolina de Souza Ferraz D’Ely)
TASK-TEST: What Lies Beyond Implementing a Task-Based Assessment? Comparing Learner’s Performance and Unveiling Learner’s Perception in a Testing Situation

Arthus de Vasconcellos Mehanna, 2014 (Profª. Maria Lúcia Milleo Martins)
Roots and Routes Brazil and Elsewhere in the Poetry of Ricardo Sternberg

Karla Romena Silva de Souza Peres, 2014 (Profª. Maria Ester Wollstein Moritz)
Analyzing Intercultural Aspects in the English Textbook “Keep in Mind”

Alissander Balemberg, 2014 (Prof. Lincoln Paulo Fernandes)
Mossop’s Revision Parameters as Analytical Categories in the Analysis of a Song of Ice and Fire in Brazil

Meggie Rosar Fornazari, 2014 (Prof. Lincoln Paulo Fernandes)
Localization Practices in Trading Card Games: Magic The Gathering From English Into Portuguese

Filipe dos Santos Ávila, 2014 (Prof. José Roberto Basto O’Shea)
Shakespeare in The Tube: Thetricalizing Violence in BBC’s Titus Andronicus

Davi Silva Gonçalves, 2014 (Profª. Eliana de Souza Ávila)
“The Future, That Never-Ending Fallacy”: An Ecocritical Perspective on Milton Hatoum’s The Brothers

Nayara Nunes Salbego, 2014 (Prof. Celso Henrique Souffen Tumolo)
Language Learner Autonomy in a Distance Education Program: Perception of Students and Tutors Regarding the Four Skills Development

Ana Paula Raspini Vieira, 2014 (Profª. Susana Borneo Funck)
Goddess or Countertop Dancer: Mythological Female Figures in Margaret Atwood’s Morning in the Burned House

Viviani Catia Nogueira, 2014 (Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
Effects of Noticing on the Oral Output in English as a Foreign Language

Mayara Volpato, 2014 (Profª. Gloria Gil)
Interculturality in Additional Language Teaching, Reality or Just Another Dream?

Carla Denise Grüdtner, 2014 (Profª. Susana Borneo Funck)
Sewing and Quilting in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple and “Everyday Use”: Connection, Disconnection and Emancipation

Leonardo da Silva, 2014 (Profª. Eliana de Souza Ávila)
A Loser Like Me: Identity and Agency in Ryan Murphy’s GLEE

Sabrina Hillesheim, 2014 (Profª. Gloria Gil)
Na Action Research on How To Implement Intercultural Teaching Activities in English Language Classes

Sérgio Luz e Souza, 2014 (Profª. Maria Lúcia Milléo Martins)
I’m A Decent Criola: Representation of Women in Afua Cooper’s and Alzira Rufino’s Poetry

Janaína Miriam Rosa, 2015 (Prof, José Roberto Basto O’Shea)
“It Is Engend’red”: Na Analysis of Folias d’Arte’s Production of Otelo

Leandro Zago, 2015 (Profª. Magali Sperling Beck)
Professor do Magistério Superior de Língua e Literatura Inglesas na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, UTFPR, Campus Pato Branco

Ekphrasis Through Otherness: The Transformation of Imagery in Derek Walcott’s White Egrets
Currículo Lattes

Ricardo Heffel Farias, 2015 (Profª Magali Sperling Beck)
Coordenador na empresa Suntech

Cthulhu is Here: The Monster  as an Allegoy in Howard Phillips Lovecraft’s Cthullhu Mythos
Currícilo Lattes

Jeová Araújo Rosa Filho, 2015 (Profª. Gloria Gil)
Professor assistente no curso de graduação em Letras com habilitação em Inglês da Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (UFERSA), campus Caraúbas (RN)

Interculturality in the Additional Language Classroom: Unveiling Narrated and Enacted Pedagogic Practices
Currículo Lattes

Ketlyn Mara Rosa, 2015 (Profª. ANelise Reich Corseuil)
Coordenadora Pedagógica e Professora do Curso de Letras Inglês EAD do Centro Universitário Estácio de Santa Catarina

“People Don’t Die Like in Rambo”: Representations of Violence in Band of Brothers
Currículo Lattes

Cybelle Saffa da Cunha Pereira Soares, 2015 (Prof. Lincoln Paulo Fernandes)
Tradutora Freelance e Integrante do grupo de pesquisa TraCor (Tradução e Corpora)

The Purification  of Violence and the Translation of Fairy Tales: A Corpus-Based Study
Currículo Lattes 

Domingos Soares de Souza Neto, 2015 (Prof. Lincoln Paulo Fernandes)
Integrante do Projeto do Grupo de Pesquisa TraCor (Tradução e Corpora)

Asymmetrical Relations in Audiovisual Translation in Brazil: A Corpus-Based Investigation of Fixed Expressions
Currículo Lattes

Andréia Veríssimo Agostini, 2015 (Profª. Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
Professora efetiva do Magistério público Estadual lotada na escola básica Jurema Cavallazzi em Florianópolis

Cohesion and Coherence in Undergraduate Students’ Academic Writing
Currículo Lattes

Gustavo Ribeiro de Carvalho Berredo, 2015 (Profª. Gloria Gil)
Professor na Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Maranhão, SEDUC – MA

Teachers’ and Students Teachers’ Reflections on Teaching English in a Globalized World
Currículo Lattes

Patrícia Bronislawski Figueredo, 2015 (Profª. Anelise Reich Corseuil)
Bolsista Doutorado CAPES no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês PPGI/UFSC

I’ll Tell You a Story That Will Make You Believe in Narratives: The Role of Metafiction in the Novel and the Film Life of Pi
Currículo Lattes

Isadora Teixeira Moraes, 2015 (Prof. Lincoln Paulo Fernandes)
Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Linguagem da Universidade Estadual de Londrina 

Subtitling of Collocational Patterns in Children’s Animated Movies: A Corpus-Based Study
Currículo Lattes

Alessandra Stuani, 2015 (Profª. Adriana de Carvalho Kuerten Dellagnelo)
Orientadora Pedagógica no Yázigi Chapecó

Investigating English Teaching in a Regular Public School in the West of Santa Catarina Through the Lenses of the National Curriculum Guidelines (PCN’s)
Currículo Lattes

Amarildo Lemes de Souza, 2015 (Prof.ª Mailce Borges Mota)
Working Memory and L2 Vocabulary: A Study With Young Learners
Currículo Lattes

Felipe Leandro de Jesus, 2015 (Prof.ª Débora de Carvalho Figueiredo)
Professor na Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., Estados Unidos.

Beatin’ the Queer into the Boradsheets:A Semiotic Analysis of News Reports on Crimes Involving Queer Social Actors
Currículo Lattes

Gisele Daiana Pereira, 2015 (Prof.ª Raquel Carolina Souza Ferraz D’Ely)
Professora Particular de Inglês

The development and implementation of tasks to elderly learners of English as a foreign language: Taking a Bigger Picture into Consideration
Currículo Lattes

Luana Alves Bandeira, 2015 (Prof.ª Mailce Borges Mota)
Sócio-Administrador da Empresa Instituição Educacional Cla LTDA – ME

The role of typology and proficiency in L2 processing of Brazilian Portuguese and English verbal morphology: An eye-movement study
Currículo Lattes

Leide Daiane de Almeida Oliveira, 2016 (Profª Maria Lucia Milleo Martins)
Doutoranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (PGET-UFSC)

“I am Of Ireland”: History and Politics in the poetry of William Butler Yeats
Currículo Lattes

Joseline Caramelo Afonso, 2016 (Profª Raquel Carolina Souza Ferraz D’Ely)
Coordenadora Pedagógica na Wizard

What Role do tasks play in an EFL enviroment? Unfolding 9th grade Leaners’ perceptions on the implementation of a cycle of tasks on the first chapter of ‘Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone’
Currículo Lattes

Maria Eduarda Rodrigues da Fonseca, 2016 (Profª Susana Borneo Funck)
Bolsista Doutorado CNPq no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês PPGI/UFSC

“There is Always The Other Side”: Displacement and Resistance In Jean Rhys’s Good Morning, Midnight and wide Sargasso Sea
Currículo Lattes

Mariane Cechinel Gonçalves, 2016 (Profª Susana Borneo Funck)
“I Don’t Speak Girl”: Portrayals of Women in Grey’s Anatomy
Currículo Lattes

Dayane Evellin de Souza Francisco, 2016 (Profª Susana Borneo Funck)
Bolsista Doutorado CNPq no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês PPGI/UFSC

Voices of Resistance: Intersectionality and Agency in Maya Angelou’s I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings
Currículo Lattes

Tayane de Paula Bastos Santos, 2016 (Profª Roberta Pires de Oliveira)
Professora Efetiva de Língua Inglesa, ensinos fundamental e médio, da Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Espírito Santo (SEDU)

The Influence of Reading while Listening to narratives on comprehension, spoken word recognition and lexical memory of EFL Brazilian leaners
Currículo Lattes

Davi Alves Oliveira, 2016 (Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
Professor Substituto na Universidade do Estado da Bahia – UNEB, Campus IV, Jacobina

Working Memory capacity and mental translation in EFL reading comprehension
Currículo Lattes

Paola Gabriella Biehl, 2016 (Profª Adriana De Carvalho Kuerten Dellagnelo)
Bolsista Doutorado CAPES no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês PPGI/UFSC

Tracing teacher development: a case study a novice English teacher
Currículo Lattes

Marcos Antonio de Oliveira Santos, 2016 (Profª Rosane Silveira)
Comissário de Bordo – LATAM Airlines

The Production of word-initial /s/-clusters by Brazilian future EFL Teachers in Bahia: The Roles of Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Variables
Currículo Lattes

Roberto Rodrigues Bueno, 2016 (Profª Rosane Silveira)
Professor Auxiliar e Membro do Colegiado de Letras/Inglês da Universidade do Estado da Bahia, UNEB

Stress Placement and suffix vowel production in English Polysyllabic Words By Brazilian Leaners
Currículo Lattes

Felipe Antonio de Souza, 2016 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
Bolsista Doutorado CAPES no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês PPGI/UFSC

Don’t mess with a Witch: Power relations, gender and subcultural issues on Witches’ Representation in the media
Currículo Lattes

Sidnei Werner Woelfer, 2016 ( Profª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
Membro do Núcleo de Estudos em Leitura (NEL) (UFSC) e 
Titular da Cadeira Perpétua Número 15 na Academia de Letras do Brasil de Santa Catarina, Seccional de Taió
Constructing meaning from cartoons: The effects of EFL reading proficiency and working memory capacity on the processing of verbal and pictoral information
Currículo Lattes

Danielle dos Santos Wisintainer, 2016 ( Profª Mailce Borges Mota)
Bolsista Doutorado CNPq no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês PPGI/UFSC

The Processing of phrasal verbs by nonnative and native speakers of Enligh: An eye movement study
Currículo Lattes

Matheus Batista Massias, 2016 (Prof. Jose Soares Gatti Junior)
Aluno do programa de pós-graduação em meios e processos audiovisuais da Escola de Comunicações em Artes da USP

No Country for Old Auteurs: The notion of the Auteur Revisited Through the Cinema of The Coen Brothers
Currículo Lattes 

Bruno Coriolano de Almeida Costa, 2016 ( Profª Rosane Silveira)
Professor assistente no curso de graduação em Letras com habilitação em Inglês da Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (UFERSA), campus Caraúbas (RN)

Pronunciation Teaching in not a One-Size-Fits-All Endeavor: EFL Teachers’ Beliefs and Classroom Practices
Currículo Lattes

Eduardo Medeiros Machado, 2016 (Profª Maria Ester Wollstein Moritz)
Professor da Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, UNISUL – Campus Tubarão
Genre and English Text Production In L2 Textbooks: An Investigation of high up and Interchange
Currículo Lattes

Daniel Goidanich Johnstone, 2016 (Prof. Celso Henrique Soufen Tumolo)
Professor substituto no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina, Campus Florianópolis

Design And Use Of Test in EFL Classroom: Item Analysis For Informed Decisions
Currículo Lattes

Soraia Morgan, 2016 (Profª Rosane Silveira)
The Production of Rhotic Sounds In Onset Position By Beginner And Intermediate Brazilian Learners
Currículo Lattes

Pedro Gustavo Rieger, 2016 (Profª Debora De Carvalho Figueiredo)
Professor Adjunto e vice-coordenador de graduação na licenciatura em Letras – Inglês da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL)

Trans Health in Courts: (Mis)Gendering and Naming Practices in Appellate Decisions at Tribunal de Justiça de Santa Catarina
Currículo Lattes

Fábio Coura de Faria, 2016 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
Bolsista Doutorado CAPES no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês PPGI/UFSC

Shakespeare Meets Roch: The Tempest and It’s Transmutation into Aqua, By the Brazilian Band Angra
Currículo Lattes

Larissa Pena Ribeiro de Carvalho, 2016 (Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
Subversively, Dear Watson: The Politics Of Gender Representation of Doctor Watson From Victorian Literature To Postmodern Television
Currículo Lattes

Fernanda Korovsky Moura, 2016 (Prof. Jose Roberto Basto O’shea)
Doutoranda no Programa de Pós Graduação em Inglês PPGI/UFSC

Double-Voiced Medievalism: Charles Macready’s Reconstruction of Shakespeare’s King John In Victorian London
Currículo Lattes

Maria Gabriela Soares da Silva Balen, 2016 (Profª Viviane Maria Heberle)
Professora de Inglês – Prefeitura Municipal de Rio do Sul

A Multimodal Analysis of Love/Dating texts of Two Teenage Girls’ Magazines Websites: Todateen and Seventeen
Currículo Lattes

Olegario da Costa Maya Neto, 2017 ( Profª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
Bolsista Doutorado CAPES no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês PPGI/UFSC

Actualizing Che’s History: Che Guevara’s Enduring Relevance Though Film
Currículo Lattes

Regiane Maria Lelinski, 2017 (Profª Magali Sperling Beck)
Bolsista de Doutorado CAPES no Programa de Pós Graduação em Literatura PPGLit/UFSC

“Is This Lifetime Supposed to be Only About Duty?” Female Identity in Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love
Currículo Lattes

Halessa Fabiane Regis, 2017 (Profª Susana Borneo Funck)
Professora de Inglês na Cambridge Halls Limited, Inglaterra 

Feminist Counterculture and Race In Hettie Jones’ Writing
Currículo Lattes

Jesse dos Santos, 2017 (Prof Dr. Jose Soares Gatti Junior)
The Poetic Language of Cinema – Representations of Water in Petra Costa’s Elena and Jeni Thornley’s To the Other Shore
Currículo Lattes

Carlos Felipe Mendes, 2017 (Profª Drª Rosane Silveira)
Membro da Equipe de Coordenação do Serviço de Orientação Pedagógica (SOP) do Colégio Catarinense

The perception of the english -s morpheme by Brazilian EFL learners
Currículo Lattes

Helena Patricia Hetkowski Hipolito, 2017 (Profª Drª Maria Rita Drumond Viana)
“Once Upon a Time There Was A Girl…”: An Analysis of Bad Girls In Feminist Revisionary Fairytales
Currículo Lattes

Fabrício Mateus Coelho, 2017 (Profª Drª Raquel Carolina Souza Ferraz D’Ely)
Professor dos cursos de Letras Inglês, Jornalismo e Relações Internacionais na Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (UNISUL) e Professor tutor de EAD no curso de Ciências Aeronáuticas da UnisulVirtual

IT BEARS REPEATING: the effects of immediate repetition on learners’ L2 performance in a poster carrousel task
Currículo Lattes

Pedro Henrique Pereira, 2017 (Profª Drª Carmen Rosa Caldas Coulthard)
Docente na área de Língua Portuguesa e Literaturas no Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais – Campus Avançado Ponte Nova

Protesting Genres: Semiotic Representations of 2015 Brazilian Demonstrations
Currículo Lattes

Yasmim Pereira Yonekura, 2017 (Profª Magali Sperling Beck)
Assistente de Alunos na Inspetoria dos Anos Iniciais do Colégio de Aplicação da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.

An ‘American’ Poet?: Nation and Identity in James Douglas Morrison’s The American Night (1991).
Currículo Lattes

Christelle Martine Abes, 2017 (Profª Drª Claudia de Lima Costa)
Professora Substituta de Inglês – Prefeitura Municipal de Florianópolis

First Ladies: Analizing Scandal´s Main Female Characters
Currículo Lattes

Willian Rosa Salmória, 2017 (Prof Dr. Lincoln Paulo Fernandes)
How translation strategies may approximate Brazilian abstracts to the language used in Foreign Journals
Currículo Lattes

Adriano Silva Santos, 2017 (Profª Drª. Glória Gil)
Doutorando no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês PPGI/UFSC

An Action Research On Intercultural Language Teaching: Scenes From a Continuous Path of LearningCurrículo Lattes
Currículo Lattes

Bruno de Azevedo, 2018 (Profª Drª. Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
Professor de Ensino Básico, Técnico e Tecnológico do Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus de São Lourenço do Oeste.

Reading and Vocabulary Instruction: Analyzing Vocabulary Activities in EFL Textbooks and Undergraduate Professors’ and Learners’ Perceptions on the Role of Vocabulary in Reading Comprehension
Currículo Lattes

Daniel Reschke Pires, 2018 (Prof Dr. Celso Henrique Soufen Tumolo)
Professor de Inglês no Colégio de Aplicação da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

L2 vocabulary instruction: an analysis of smartphone applications for English learning
Currículo Lattes

Eloísa Dall’Bello, 2018 (Profª Drª. Beatriz Kopschitz Xavier Bastos)
Bolsista Doutorado CNPq no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês PPGI/UFSC

Portrayals of Women: Female Agency in Mary Lavin’s Early Stories
Currículo Lattes

Paola da Cunha Nichele, 2018 (Profª Drª. Maria Lúcia Milléo Martins)
Bolsista Doutorado CAPES no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês PPGI/UFSC

Chains And Whips Excite Me: A discussion of BDSM Practices in Beauty’s Kingdom
Currículo Lattes

Adriana Rocha Felício, 2018 (Profª Drª. Mailce Borges Mota)
Tradutora e revisora freelancer e Professora particular de Inglês

Cross-linguistic Syntactic Priming Effects in Sentence Comprehension: a study with Brazilian Portuguese-English Bilinguals
Currículo Lattes

Rafael Silva Fouto, 2018 (Profª Drª. Maria Lúcia Milléo Martins)
Autônomo – Professor de inglês e português como língua estrangeira

A Canadian Wild Rose: The Myth of the Wanderer in Jon Furberg’s Anhaga
Currículo Lattes

Ana Clarissa Nenevé, 2018 (Profª Drª. Eliana de Souza Ávila)
Professora da Educação Infantil no Serviço Social do Comércio, SESC

In the Name of God: A Postcolonial Reading of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus
Currículo Lattes

Rafael Zaccaron, 2018 (Profª Drª.Raquel Carolina Souza Ferraz D’ely)
The more the merrier (?): the impact of individual and collaborative strategic planning on performance of an oral task by young learners of English as an L2 in Brazil
Currículo Lattes

José Augusto Simões de Miranda, 2018 (Profª Drª. Maria Ester Wollstein Moritz)
Bolsista de Doutorado CAPES no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês PPGI/UFSC

TED Talks: a genre analysis
Currículo Lattes

Taisi Viveiros da Rocha, 2018 (Prof Dr. Daniel Serravalle de Sá)
Retelling Fairy Tales: The Evil Witch in the Series Once Upon a Time
Currículo Lattes

Karina Rodrigues Lacerda, 2018 (Profª Drª.Maria Ester Wollstein Moritz)
Feedback in EFL writing classes: a study on undergraduate students’ perceptions
Currículo Lattes

Bianca Machado Orrego Leimontas, 2018 (Profª Drª. Maria Lúcia Milléo Martins)
You’re Not the Indian I Had in Mind: Storytelling and Orality in Thomas King’s Native Narrative
Currículo Lattes

Andréia Dalla Costa, 2018 (Profª Drª. Adriana de Carvalho K. Dellagnelo)
Bolsista de Doutorado CAPES no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês PPGI/UFSC

Tracing teacher development within a sociocultural perspective: microteaching component in a preservice English teaching program
Currículo Lattes

Maria Carolina Pereira Müller, 2018 (Prof Dr. Daniel Serravalle de Sá)
Bolsista de Doutorado CAPES no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês PPGI/UFSC

Desmodus Draculae:  the vampire traveler in Interview with the Vampire and Only Lovers Left Alive
Currículo Lattes

Lucianna Busato Salles, 2018 (Profª Drª. Viviane Maria Heberle)
Produtora de Conteúdo na LetraB Produção Textual

Women, leadership and social media: a critical discourse analysis of Lean In Stories
Currículo Lattes

Carlla Dall’Igna, 2018 (Profª Drª. Adriana de Carvalho K. Dellagnelo)
Professora de Inglês na British School, Curitibanos
The professional development of an EFL teacher: A sociocultural approach
Currículo Lattes

Paula Eduarda Michels, 2018 (Profª Drª Gloria Gil)
Tradutora e Intérprete de Língua Inglesa, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, UFSC

“The English(es) in me”: Investigating meanings of English and identity construction in narratives of Brazilian Students
Currículo Lattes

Raimundo Nonato De Souza Filho, 2018 (Profª Drª Raquel Carolina Souza Ferraz D’Ely)
Task-Game: ‘Magic The Gathering’ And The Implicit Learning Of English
Currículo Lattes

Izabela De Oliveira Mendes Pereira, 2018 (Profª Drª Viviane Maria Heberle)
Coordenadora pedagógica e Professora na Wizard, Escola de Idiomas

A Multimodal Approach to the Pro-Brexit and Anti-Brexit Campaign Advertisements Leading Up to the 2016 Referendum
Currículo Lattes

Vanessa de Deus Rocha, 2019  (Prof Dr. Celso Henrique Soufen Tumolo)
Bolsista de Doutorado CAPES no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês PPGI/UFSC

Digital Stories: Students’ perception of feedback contribution during script development
Currículo Lattes

Emanuelle Schok Melo Da Silva, 2019 (Prof Dr. Daniel Serravale de Sá)
Professora de Inglês no Ensino Fundamental
Third Generation Perspectives On the Holocaust In Everything Is Illuminated, By Jonathan Safran Foer, and Its Film Adaptation, By Liev Schreiber
Currículo Lattes

Renato Muchiuti Aranha, 2019 (Prof Dr. Daniel Serravale de Sá)
Doutorando no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês PPGI/UFSC
Gotham’s Dark Gargoyle: Gothic Representations in 1980s Batman Comics
Currículo Lattes

Luana Garbin, 2019 (Profª Drª Debora de Carvalho Figueiredo)
Bolsista de Doutorado CAPES no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês PPGI/UFSC
Representations of Women in the Presidential Programs of the 2018 Brazilian Elections: An Analysis of Political Discourse
Currículo Lattes

Andrey Felipe Martins, 2019 (Profª Drª Eliana De Souza Ávila)
Bolsista de Doutorado CAPES no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês PPGI/UFSC
From developmentalism to its critique: An Analysis of gender, Coloniality, and (No) queer future in Wuthering Heights
Currículo Lattes

Juliana do Amaral, 2019 (Profª Drª Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
Bolsista de Doutorado CAPES no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês PPGI/UFSC
Note Taking, Highlighting, Rereading: Comparing the Effectiveness of Study Strategies on Comprehension, Retention, And Learning From EFL Texts
Currículo Lattes

Marília Camponogara Torres, 2019 (Profª Drª Maria Ester Wollstein Moritz)
Bolsista de Doutorado CAPES no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês PPGI/UFSC
Academic Literacies in Higher Education: A study of graduate courses in a public Brazilian university
Currículo Lattes

Mariana Lima Terres, 2019 (Profª Drª Viviane Maria Heberle)
Doutoranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês PPGI/UFSC

Feminine Power in the HBO TV Series GAME OF THRONES: The Case Of Daenerys Targaryen
Currículo Lattes

Matheus André Agnoletto, 2019 (Profª Drª Adriana de Carvalho K. Dellagnelo)
Subcoordenador Pedagógico dos Cursos Extracurriculares de inglês da UFSC, campi Florianópolis e Blumenau
Teacher development through collaborative pedagogical reasoning: a sociocultural study
Currículo Lattes

Vinicius Horst, 2019 (Profª Drª Alinne Balduino Pires Fernandes)
Professor Particular de Inglês
Reading, Rethinking, and Translating Norms and Stereotypes in Marina Carr’s Low in the Dark A Gender Studies-Based Translation Project
Currículo Lattes

Izabela de Oliveira Mendes Pereira, 2019 (Profª Drª Viviane M. Heberle)
A Multimodal Approach to the Pro-Brexit and Anti-Brexit Campaign Advertisements Leading Up to the 2016 Referendum
Currículo Lattes

Ti Ochoa, 2019 (Profª Drª Eliana de Souza de Avila)
Professora substituta da UFSC, ministrando aulas pelo MEN
A Non-Binary Reading of Angels in America
Currículo Lattes

Francineide Fatima Davies Dos Santos, 2019 (Profª Drª Mailce Borges Mota)
Syntactic priming effects during the oral production of English as L2
Currículo Lattes

Marcelo Silvestre Martinez, 2019 (Profª Drª Maria Lúcia Milléo Martins)
War and Displacement in the Works of Charles Simic and Mohja Kahf
Currículo Lattes

Karine P. Manfé, 2019 (Profª Drª Rosane Silveira)
Professora Particular de Inglês
Resource-Based Electronic Feedback And Its Effect On The Production And Perception Of The English Consonants <ɹ> AND <h>
Currículo Lattes

Tatiana Koerich Rondon, 2019 (Profª Drª Lêda Maria B. Tomitch)
Bolsista de Doutorado CNPq no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês – PPGI/UFSC
Schema activation and working memory: the effect of different prereading activities on pre-intermediate and advanced Brazilian EFL students’  reading comprehension
Currículo Lattes

Luana Garbin Baldissera, 2020 (Prof. Dr. Celso Henrique Soufen Tumolo)
Bolsista de Doutorado CAPES no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês – PPGI/UFSC
App resources for developing English pronunciation: a focus on mobile technology
Currículo Lattes

Elisa Silva Ramos, 2020 (Prof Dr. Daniel Serravalle de Sá)
Doutoranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura PPGLit/UFSC

From Literature to Videogames: The Case of Sherlock Holmes
Currículo Lattes

William Weber Wanderlinde, 2020 (Profª Drª Maria Rita Drumond Viana)
Bolsista de Doutorado CAPES no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês – PPGI/UFSC

William Blake’s ‘Contraries’ as dialectical irony in Songs of Innocence and of Experience
Currículo Lattes

Vitor Henrique de Souza, 2020 (Prof Dr. Daniel Serravale de Sá)
Doutorando no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês – PPGI/UFSC

The Terrifying Lover: Hammer Films? Dracula and the Implications of Its Gender Relations
Currículo Lattes

Vinicius Garcia Valim, 2020 (Profª Drª Maria Rita Drumond Viana)
Bolsista de Doutorado do CNPq no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês – PPGI/UFSC
“I balanced all, brought all to mind”: Loyalties in Irish and British Great War poetry
Currículo Lattes

Natália Pires da Silva, 2020 (Prof. Dr. Daniel Serravalle de Sá)
Her murmured words sounded like a lullaby”: an analysis of eroticism, speech and manipulation in J. Sheridan Le Fanu’s Carmilla
Currículo Lattes

Dionatan Bastos Cardozo, 2020 (Profª Drª. Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch)
Membro do Núcleo de Estudos em Leitura – UFSC – Bolsista de Doutorado da FUMDES, UNIEDU, no PPGI/UFSC  

The Effects of Pre-Reading Tasks on L2 Reading Comprehension of Expository and Narrative Texts
Currículo Lattes

Casemiro Partala Neto, 2020 (Profª Drª.Maria Ester Wollstein Moritz)
Professor de inglês na Prefeitura Municipal de Florianópolis

EFL Students’ Reaction to the Written Feedback Provided by a University Professor
Currículo Lattes

Frandor Marc Machado, 2020 (Profª Drª Maria Rita Drumond Viana)
Queer Affectivity and Family Representations in the “Unkown Realm Where Lovers Act as Lovers”: A Study on Jamie O’Neill’s at Swim, Two Boys and Sebastian Barry’s Days Without End
Currículo Lattes

José Eduardo dos Santos, 2020 (Profª Drª. Beatriz Kopschitz Xavier Bastos)
Tradutor Autônomo
“What’s this country coming to?”: Patrick Mccabe’s Bog Gothic in the Butcher Boy
Currículo Lattes

Kellen Mendes Geremias, 2020 (Prof. Dr. Celso Henrique Soufen Tumolo)
Digital Video for Foreign Language Learning: A Study on Learner’s perception of its Motivational Features
Currículo Lattes

Ana Flavia Boeing Marcelino, 2020 (Profª Drª Raquel Carolina Souza Ferraz D’Ely)
Coordenadora do Projeto PLAM
TBLT and Portuguese as a Host language: analyzing learners’ oral performance in terms of Outcome Achievement and investigating the task implementation process through the learners’ and the teacher’s perspectives
Currículo Lattes

Alan Eduardo Demertine, 2020 (Profª Dra. Maria Rita Drumond Viana)
Professor na Escola de Educação Básica Professor Carlos Maffezzolli
Antigone in Contexts of Latin American Dictatorships
Currículo Lattes

Fernanda Kaschny Schneider, 2020 (Profª Dra. Alessandra Soares Brandão)
Ghouls night out: canibal women in two contemporary horror films
Currículo Lattes

Natália Alves, 2020 (Dr. Daniel Serravalle de Sá)
Professora no Centro de ensino Guroo
You Can (Not) Call Me Monster: Aesthetic and Ethical Monsters in the Harry Potter series
Currículo Lattes

Jéssica Soares Lopes, 2021 (Profª Dra. Débora de Carvalho Figueiredo)
“Pra você isso é amor”: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Representations of Sex, Love and Relationships in Brazilian Popular Music (2018-2020)

Currículo Lattes

Jéssica Katerine Molgero Da Rós, 2021 (Profª Dra. Alessandra Soares Brandão)
The Cyborg and the Construction of Prosthetic Memory in Three Episodes of Black Mirror
Currículo Lattes

Marcelo Vinicius de Souza Trouillet, 2021 (Profª Dra. Maria Rita Drumond Viana)
“All dornishmen are snakes”: Ethnic and cultural representation in George R. R. Martin’s “A song of ice and fire” 
Currículo lattes

Caroline Almeida Santos, 2021 (Profª Dra. Viviane Maria Heberle)
“A multimodal analysis of representations of masculinity in Castlevania and Metal Gear Solid”
Currículo lattes

Luana Helena Uessler, 2021 (Profª Dra. Débora de Carvalho Figueiredo)
Professora de Inglês em (SESC/SC – Administração Regional de Santa Catarina)
“DEUS POR QUE EU SOU ASSIM? POR QUE MEU CABELO É ASSIM?: A transitivity and appraisal analysis of Black Brazilian and African American women’s narratives in blogs regarding hair”
Currículo lattes

Bruno Mello Ferreira, 2021 (Profª Dra. Mailce Borges Mota)
Currículo lattes

Janaina do Rosario, 2021 (Dr. Celso Henrique Soufen Tumolo)
Servidora Pública, professora de Inglês Ensino Médio (EEB Padre Anchieta, Brasil)
Foreign Language Vocabulary acquisition using Semantic Mapping Software: A Systematic Review
Currículo lattes

Leonam de Andrade Neves, 2021 (Dr. Celso Henrique Soufen Tumolo)
The Use of Digital Comics for Vocabulary Knowledge in EFL: A Systematic Review
Currículo lattes

Fernanda Osvaldete dos Santos, 2021 (Profª Dra Mailce Borges Mota)
Servidora Pública na Prefeitura Municipal de Florianópolis, PMF
Currículo lattes

Paulo Thiago Piazza, 2021 (Profª Drª Adriana de Carvalho K. Dellagnelo)
Teaching practices of public school EFL teachers:
What mediates their pedagogical decisions
Currículo lattes

Eduardo Povedano, 2022 (Profª Drª Maria Ester Wollstein Moritz)
The feedback on student academic writing based on automated digital framework descriptors
Currículo lattes

Natália Pinheiro de Angeli, 2022 (Profª Drª Mailce Borges Mota)
What can cross-linguistic priming effects tell us about bilingual language processing? A study with late Brazilian Portuguese-English bilingual
Currículo lattes

Brenda Perpétua Pereira da Mota, 2022 (Profª Draª Rosane Silveira)  
Teachers’ Strategies to Adress Students’ Difficulties in Learning English Vowels
Currículo lattes

Gabriela Zetehaku Araujo, 2022 (Profª Drª Maria Rita Drumond Viana)
“Ink goddess: the narrativization and dramatization of life, love, and the self in Sylvia Plath’s journals and letters”
Currículo lattes

Janaina Fernanda de Almeida, 2022 (Profª Drª Hanna Emilia Kivisto de Souza)
An attempt at reducing L1-L2 ortho-phonological interference through consciousness-raising activities
Currículo lattes

Elisabeth Ann Bunch Oliveira da Rosa, 2022 (Profª Drª Rosane Silveira)
The effect of perception training with synthetic and natural stimuli on BP learners’ ability to identify the English vowels /æ-ɛ/
Currículo lattes

Marcos Neto de Cordova, 2022 (Profª Drª Alinne Balduino Pires Fernandes)
Fictional Male Bodies and Their Affective Power in the Northern Irish plays My Name, Shall I Tell You My Name? and The Belle of the Belfast City by Christina Reid
Currículo lattes

Luana Kramin Martins, 2022 (Profª Drª Débora de Carvalho Figueiredo)
Analysis of sexually assaulted women’s testimonies gathered from #metoo websites
Currículo lattes

Thaisy da Silva Martins, 2022 (Profª Drª Rosane Silveira)
Using CEFR’s Phonological Control Scale to Assess L2 Learners’ Intelligibility and Comprehensibility
Currículo lattes

Fernanda da Costa Alves, 2022 (Profª Drª Mailce Borges Mota)
The Influence of L1 and L2 Phonological Awareness on L2 Vocabulary Learning
Currículo lattes

Adriano Delego, 2023 (Profª Drª Rosane Silveira)
Servidor Público na Secretaria Estadual de Educação – SC, SED-SC
Currículo lattes

João Luiz Coelho, 2023 (Profª Drª Mailce Borges Mota)
Forty-one plus twenty-four is…”: investigating on arithmetic processing in late bilinguals at low and high proficiency
Currículo lattes

William Gottardi, 2023 (Profª Drª Rosane Silveira)
Automatic Speech Recognition as a Pronunciation Teaching Resource: What Are the In-Service Teachers’ Perceptions of This Speech Technology?
Autônomo (MEI) – Professor de Línguas Estrangeiras na Master Soluções Educacionais, MSE, Brasil.

Currículo lattes

Luiza de Melo Carvalho, 2023 (Profª Drª Mailce Borges Mota)
Investigating Cognate Effects Across Different Writing Scripts: The Case of Brazilian Portuguese-English-Korean Multilinguals
Currículo lattes

Nicole Vieira da Rosa Tontini, 2023 (Profª Drª Donesca Cristina Puntel Xhafaj)
English, please! Oral production in a project-based language learning context: teacher’s perception on the implementation of systematized language teaching
Currículo lattes

Rayla Rocha dos Santos, 2023 (Profª Drª Mailce Borges Mota)
Digital Games and L2 vocabulary Learning: an experience with elementary school students
Currículo lattes

Romulo de Sousa Silva, 2023 (Profª Drª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
From novel to film: the adaptations of the argentinian novel “Secret in their eyes”
Currículo lattes

Maikel de Almeida Bonato, 2023 (Profª Drª Renata Lucena Dalmaso)
Phenomenal Woman: Construction of gender, identity, and spaces of resistance in the documentary “KIKI” (2016) by Sara Jordenö
Currículo lattes

Isabella Tagata Ferreira, 2023 (Profª Drª Anelise Reich Corseuil)
Little Jacknapes Of A Foreigner”: Xenophobia And Suspense in the Adaptations of Agatha Christie’s The ABC Murders
Currículo lattes

Andressa Plácido Brites, 2023 (Profª Drª Raquel Carolina Souza Ferraz D’Ely)
A Task-game in the L2 Classroom: A focus on L2 receptive vocabulary development and learners’ perceptions
Currículo lattes

Carolina Sctroschone do Carmo, 2023 (Profª Drª Donesca Cristina Puntel Xhafaj)
Currículo lattes

Mauricio de Bortolli Lattmann, 2023 (Dr. Celso Henrique Soufen Tumolo)
Vocabulary building through a mobile application: An analysis of its effective and affective contributions to learners’ L2 acquisition process
Currículo lattes

Raphael Michels Fantinato de Moura, 2023 (Profª Drª Débora de Carvalho Figueiredo)
“North in Comics: an evaluative analysis of interregional relations in Brazilian Northern comic artists’discourses”
Currículo lattes

Fhelippe Waltelon Souza dos Santos, 2024 (Profª Drª Hanna Emilia Kivisto de Souza)
Understanding the dimensions of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR): an assessment of the relationship between foreign language vowel intelligibility, affective factors and technology use”
Currículo lattes

Deimison Junior Falkievicz, 2024 (Profª Drª Rosane Silveira)
“The production of alveolar plosives by multilingual speakers of Portuguese-Polish-English”
Currículo lattes

Luiz Fernando de Carvalho, 2024 (Profª Drª Mailce Borges Mota)
“Teaching English in primary school: an exploratory analysis of teachers’ perceptions”
Currículo lattes

Wesley Nóbrega Rodrigues do Ó, 2024 (Profª Drª Raquel Carolina Souza Ferraz D’Ely)
Critical Language Teaching through tasks: a look at public school teachers’appraisal of a critical task cycle
Currículo lattes

Luciana dos Santos, 2024 (Profª Drª Maria Rita Drumond Viana)
The crazy [female] artist: iconographies of art, mental illness and gender in Ellen Forney’s Marbles
Currículo lattes

Bremdellin Gabriel Ramos, 2024 (Profª Drª Hanna Emilia Kivisto de Souza)
The effect of English accents and speakers’ race on language attitudes: An experimental study with Brazilian pre-service English teachers
Currículo lattes

Eduardo Fonseca Nadais, 2024 (Prof. Dr. Lincoln Paulo Fernandes)
Analysis of the English-Portuguese localization of Legends of Runeterra, an online Trading Card Game
Currículo lattes

Nicole Patricia Stivaletta Contini, 2024 (Prof. Dr. Lincoln Paulo Fernandes)
Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina and its Internationalization at Home: Google English Central Platform as a Tool for Linguistic Policy Intervention
Currículo lattes


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