Ciclo de Palestras – Leitura e(m) Interfaces: Teorias, Métodos e Aplicações

18/10/2021 08:02

O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês (PPGI) e o Núcleo de Estudos em Leitura (NEL) anunciam a nona e última palestra do Ciclo de Palestras “Leitura e(m) Interfaces: Teorias, Métodos e Aplicações”, evento que celebra os 50 anos do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês: Estudos Linguísticos e Literários da UFSC com palestras mensais de temas relacionados à leitura.

Building meaning builds teen’s brains: teens’ narratives predict neural  development and young adult wellbeing
Mary Helen Immordino-Yang (University of Southern California)

Moderador: Sidnei Werner Woelfer (PPGI/FURB)

🕤 22/11/2021 – 15h00 (Horário de Brasília) – 11h00 AM (PT)
Ao vivo no canal do YouTube do PPGI UFSC e Plataforma Zoom.
ID da reunião: 825 2644 9105
Senha de acesso: 521767


A major achievement of adolescent development is the capacity to integrate abstract cognitive construals with affective experiences to construct meaningful, transcendent narratives about one’s self and the world—coming to feel strongly about complex social issues. Leveraging these capacities, adolescents can be among the most visionary and idealistic citizens, as the world  as recently seen with such extraordinary youth as Malala Yousafzai, Greta Thunberg, and Emma González. In this talk, I will discuss our longitudinal, neuropsychological studies of the processes underlying such capacities, their relations to scholarly skills like reading, and the implications for innovation in education, adolescent mental health support, and juvenile justice.

BIO: Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, EdD is a Professor of Education, Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Southern California and Director of the USC Center for Affective Neuroscience, Development, Learning and Education (CANDLE). She studies the psychological and neurobiological development of emotion and self-awareness, and connections to social, cognitive and moral development in educational settings. She uses cross-cultural, interdisciplinary studies of narratives and feelings to uncover experience-dependent neural mechanisms contributing to identity, intrinsic motivation, deep learning, and generative, creative and abstract thought. Her work has a special focus on adolescents from low-SES communities, and she involves youths from these communities as junior scientists in her work.

A former urban public junior high-school science teacher, she earned her doctorate at Harvard University in 2005 in human development and psychology and completed her postdoctoral training in social-affective neuroscience with Antonio Damasio in 2008. Since then she has received numerous awards for her research and impact on education and society, among them an Honor Coin from the U.S. Army, a Commendation from the County of Los Angeles, a Cozzarelli Prize from the Proceedings of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences editorial board, and early career achievement awards from the AERA, the AAAS, the APS, the International Mind, Brain and Education Society (IMBES), and the Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences Foundation (FABBS).

Immordino-Yang was a 2018-2019 Spencer Foundation mid-career fellow. She served on the U.S. National Academy of Sciences committee writing How People Learn II: Learners, Contexts and Cultures, and on the Aspen Institute’s National Commission on Social, Emotional and Academic Development.

Currently Immordino-Yang is conducting several funded, multiyear neurobiological research studies on adolescent students and their teachers. She is serving on the advisory board of the UNESCO World Education Assessment, and as past president of IMBES, among other national and international roles.

I Colóquio de Metodologias em Análise Crítica do Discurso – Palestra 04

13/10/2021 16:54

O I Colóquio de Metodologias em Análise Crítica do Discurso, convida a todos a participar de uma sequência de palestras promovidas pelo Núcleo de Estudos do Gênero Através da Linguagem (NuGal) e pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês (PPGI/UFSC), sobre temas concentrados em Estudos da Linguagem.

ACD, semiótica social e gênero, é o título da quarta palestra, que será ministrada pela professora Dra. Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard (UFSC/University of Birmingham), no dia 27 de outubro de 2021 às 18h30. O encontro será Via Plataforma Zoom e oferecerá certificados de participação como ouvinte.

Junte-se a nós!

Título: ACD, semiótica social e gênero
Palestrante: Dra. Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard (UFSC/University of Birmingham)

📅 27/10/2021
🕤 18h30
💻 Plataforma Zoom
ID da reunião: 897 0792 4239
Senha de acesso: 544115


Defesa de Mestrado – Fabiana Osvaldete dos Santos

13/10/2021 14:08

A mestranda Fabiana Osvaldete dos Santos, defenderá sua dissertação intitulada “Bridging the Gap Between Working Memory Capacity and Anaphora Resolution: the processing of subject and object pronouns in l2 by low proficienty learners”, no dia 29 de outubro de 2021 às 10h00.

Lembrando que conforme PORTARIA NORMATIVA Nº 2/2020/PROPG, DE 25 DE MARÇO DE 2020, que trata do isolamento social para evitar a disseminação do COVID-19, a defesa será realizada, excepcionalmente, com todos os participantes, alunos e membros, por meio de sistema de áudio e vídeo em tempo real, através da Plataforma Zoom.

Para alunos regulares do PPGI, que pretendem participar como ouvinte, favor preencher o formulário de inscrição.

Dra. Mailce Borges Mota (PPGI/UFSC – Orientadora e Presidente)
Dra. Elisângela Nogueira Teixeira (UFC – Examinadora)
Dra. Sandra Maria Leal Alves (UFPEL – Examinadora)
Dr. Celso Henrique Soufen Tumolo (PPGI/UFSC – Suplente)

Defesa de Mestrado – Janaína do Rosário

05/10/2021 12:34

A mestranda Janaína do Rosário, defenderá sua dissertação intitulada “Foreign Language Vocabulary acquisition using Semantic Mapping Software: A Systematic Review”, no dia 11 de outubro de 2021 às 14h00.

Round Table – the theatre of Tom Murphy

04/10/2021 13:18

This round table celebrates the work of one of the most important Irish playwrights of all times – Tom Murphy – by gathering some of the most significant commentators and collaborators of his work: Fintan O’Toole, Nicholas Grene, Jane Brennan, and Alan Gilsenan.

It also marks the launch of the Tom Murphy Collection (Iluminuras, 2019), organized and introduced by Beatriz Kopschitz Bastos, including four plays translated by Domingos Nunez, with the support of Literature Ireland: Um assovio no escuro/A Whistle in the Dark (1961); O concerto de Gigli/The Gigli Concert (1983); Bailegangaire/Bailegangaire (1985); and Trilogia de Alice/Alice Trilogy (2005).

📅 October 27th
🕤 14:00-16:00 Brazil/18:00-20:00 Ireland
💻 Live on PPGI UFSC YouTube Channel

*This event offers a certificate of attendance. Information about certificates will be given during the talk.

Tom Murphy was born in Tuam, Co. Galway, in 1935, and died in Dublin in 2018. He was a multi-award-winning playwright whose work is produced to great acclaim throughout the world. His plays include: On the Outside (w. Noel O’Donoghue); A Whistle in the DarkFamineThe OrphansA Crucial Week in the Life of a Grocer’s AssistantThe Morning after OptimismThe White HouseOn the InsideThe Sanctuary LampThe J. Arthur Maginnis StoryThe Blue MacushlaThe Gigli ConcertConversations on a HomecomingBailegangaireA Thief of a ChristmasToo Late for LogicThe Patriot GameThe WakeThe HouseAlice Trilogy; and Brigit

Fintan O’Toole is one of Ireland’s leading public intellectuals. He is a columnist for The Irish Times and Professor of Irish Letters at Princeton. He also contributes to The New York Review of BooksThe New YorkerThe GuardianGrantaThe Observer, and other international publications. His books on theatre include works on William Shakespeare, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, George Bernard Shaw, and Tom Murphy – The Politics of Magic: The Work and Times of Tom Murphy.  His books on politics include Ship of FoolsEnough is EnoughHeroic Failure: Brexit and the Politics of Pain; and, most recently, We Don’t Know Ourselves: A Personal History of Ireland Since 1958.

Nicholas Grene is Emeritus Professor of English Literature at Trinity College Dublin and a Member of the Royal Irish Academy. His books include: The Politics of Irish Drama (Cambridge University Press, 1999); Shakespeare’s Serial History Plays (Cambridge University Press, 2002); Talking about Tom Murphy (Carysfort, 2002); Yeats’s Poetic Codes (Oxford University Press, 2008); Home on the Stage (Cambridge University Press, 2014); Oxford Handbook of Modern Irish Theatre, (co-edited with Chris Morash) (Oxford University Press, 2016); and The Theatre of Tom Murphy: Playwright Adventurer (Bloomsbury, 2017). His most recent book is Farming in Modern Irish Writing (Oxford University Press, 2021).

Jane Brennan is an award-winning Irish actor. Her career spans 40 years in theatre, film, TV and radio. She has performed in many productions at the Abbey Theatre and the Gate Theatre, in Dublin, as well as the Druid Theatre, in Galway. She has toured extensively both nationally and internationally to The Edinburgh, Sydney, Spoleto, Barbican and Lincoln Centre Festivals. Her many roles include performances in plays by J. M. Synge, Samuel Beckett, Brian Friel, Tom Kilroy, Seamus Heaney, Martin McDonagh, and Nancy Harris, for example – and in Tom Murphy’s Conversations on a HomecomingBailengangaireOn the Outside and On the InsideA Crucial Week in the Life of a Grocer’s AssistantThe House; The Wake; Alice Trilogy; and Brigit.

Alan Gilsenan is an award-winning Irish writer, film-maker and theatre director.  His diverse body of film work extends across documentary, feature films and experimental work. His many productions include the feature film UnlessSing on Forever, a screen biography of Tom Murphy; Meetings with Ivor, a cinema documentary about the radical psychiatrist Ivor Browne; the experimental film A Vision: A Life of WB Yeats; the documentary series Daniel O’Connell: Forgotten King of Ireland; and a film installation inspired by Joyce’s Ulysses for Dublin’s new MOLI (Museum of Literature Ireland) entitled ULYSSES | FILM. Gilsenan has just completed a new film dealing with memory and abuse The Days of Trees and a documentary The Seven Ages of Nöel Browne about the controversial figure who challenged conservative Catholic Ireland in the 1950’s.

Opening and closing:  Ambassador of Ireland Seán Hoy; Consul General of Ireland Eoin Bennis; Deputy Consul Rachel Fitzpatrick.

Moderation: Vincent Woods and Beatriz Kopschitz Bastos

Vincent Woods is an Irish writer and broadcaster whose plays include At the Black Pig’s Dyke, A Cry from Heaven, and several plays for radio. Poetry collections are The Colour of Language and Lives and Miracles. He co-edited The Turning Wave: Poems and Songs of Irish Australia, and Fermata: Writings Inspired by Music (with Eva Bourke). Other publications are Leaves of Hungry Grass: Poetry and Ireland’s Great Hunger and Borderlines (with Henry Glassie). With Edwina Guckian, he co-directed and produced the film Bealach an Fhéir Ghortaigh/Hunger’s Way for Strokestown International Poetry Festival 2021. He has been Writer in Residence at NUI Galway and has scripted and presented many arts programmes and documentaries on RTÉ Radio. He  directs the Iron Mountain Literature Festival in Leitrim and is a member of Aosdána.

Beatriz Kopschitz Bastos is a member of the Postgraduate Programme in English at UFSC, Vice-coordinator of NEI – Núcleo de Estudos Irlandeses da UFSC, and an executive member of IASIL – The International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures. Her publications as editor or co-editor include: Ilha do Desterro – Contemporary Irish Theatre (2010); Coleção Brian Friel (Hedra, 2013); Coleção Tom Murphy (Iluminuras, 2019); Ilha do Desterro – The Irish Theatrical Diaspora (2020); and Contemporary Irish Documentary Theatre (Bloomsbury, 2020). She is also the production director of Cia Ludens, the Brazilian theatre company dedicated to Irish Theatre. 

Event organized by: Embassy of Ireland in Brazil; Consulate General of Ireland in São Paulo; Postgraduate Programme in English at UFSC; Núcleo de Estudos Irlandeses of UFSC; Cia Ludens.


Open Seminar – Celso Junior

29/09/2021 12:40

Convidamos todos a participarem do Open Seminar que será apresentado pelo aluno Celso José de Lima Junior intitulado “More than words: Writing in the context of Higher Education”.

O evento acontecerá na quinta-feira, 30 de setembro, às 08h, através da plataforma Zoom. Para alunos do PPGI que necessitam certificado de participação, por favor, inscreva-se no link aqui.

Ciclo de Palestras – Leitura e(m) Interfaces: Teorias, Métodos e Aplicações

21/09/2021 13:57

O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês (PPGI) e o Núcleo de Estudos em Leitura (NEL) anunciam a oitava palestra do Ciclo de Palestras “Leitura e(m) Interfaces: Teorias, Métodos e Aplicações”, evento que celebra os 50 anos do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês: Estudos Linguísticos e Literários da UFSC com palestras mensais de temas relacionados à leitura. Participe!